003 | still not spoke since..

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"Hey Jack," Daniel called out, causing the boy's attentions to turn away from his phone and to him. "Have you and Zach still not spoke since.. all that?"

"no.." he slowly shook his head.

They weren't not talking because Jack hated the boy or something, because he definitely didn't. In fact, the more he laid wide awake at night thinking about everything, the more he realised that he was actually content with the fact Zach had told him instead of keeping it a secret.

But for some reason, he never reached out to him to let him know, or any of their friends for that matter. So both Zach and the other three boys assumed that Jack didn't want to see him.

And since it was easier for them as a band to not have the two be the same room while working on their new song — which was difficult but better then having them together, which could have led to upsetting thousands of fans — they would make set times for each of them to spend in the studio with the others.

"You know we have a photo shoot for Love Back next week.." Corbyn added. "And you two sorta need to be in the same room."

"mh. I'm aware."

"We made him deleted her number, unfollow her and all that," Jonah mentioned. "So you just need to talk to him and all should be fine, we go on as a normal band."

"And she's just known as someone you had a thing with and someone who took Zach out with a fake ID to a club and only made out," Daniel said.

"Expect everyone's knows they went back to her apartment.. and I tweet those Ed Sheeran lyrics.."

"Yeah but you didn't know someone was going to hack her Instagram," Jonah responded. "Talk to him and then just post together or something so everyone knows everything is fine and one of you aren't leaving."

"Let's be honest here.. someone leaving the band or forgetting a girl that not good for anyone.. what's the better option here?" Corbyn raised a brow.

"I still like her that's the fucking problem," Jack said through gritted teeth. "Jonah, you're dating her friend, how am I supposed to just forget about her and move on? And especially when she's constantly brought up."

"Zach's on his way so if you don't want to see him you should probably leave soon," Daniel let him know.

"And we'll stop talking about her," Jonah added.

"alright," he mumbled, grabbing his phone and keys as he got up. "I'll see you guy tomorrow or whenever."

They all said a quick goodbye and then watching Jack as he made his out their front door, shutting the door behind himself.

"Should we be letting him know that none of her friends have heard from her for like two months now?" Jonah looked at the other two.

"No," Daniel shook his head. "That's gonna stress him out."

"And then he won't move on like he knows he should," Corbyn responded as the other boy agreed.

        Jack arrived back at his place, saying hello and letting his family downstairs know he was home before heading up to his room. Taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

On his way home he had remember about the voice messages Adalyn sent him, and finally decided it was time he listened to them and properly read through her post.

He debated between reading the post or listening first, eventually choosing the post since the voice messages were sent a day or so later.

But once he had opened Instagram and looked up her account, like she had told Willow yesterday, Adalyn took the post down.

"hm," he hummed to himself, switching over apps and scrolling through his phone trying to find his messages with Adalyn.

Pressing play on the first one, hearing her let out a clear sigh before starting; "I know if I don't tell you this I'm gonna fucking hate myself more. And I don't know when you want to talk. And it's probably best if I just tell you instead of waiting."

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Like I don't know how else I'm supposed apologise for everything. Like.." she sighed again. "I don't even think there's a way to."

"I fucked up I know," she sniffled. "And.. I don't- I just wasn't thinking straight when I invited him out. I haven't spoke to him since the morning after- well I guess at the dinner if you count just say hi and bye as talking-"

"But anyway, neither of us were sober when things happened and I don't remember anything, like I.. I remember drunkenly kissing him but I don't remember coming home or anything else that night. And from what I know he doesn't either.." the first voice message ended.

Although Zach was actually the one who had asked to go out, she didn't want Jack to know that. She didn't want Jack to hate his friend, or her to be the reason anything more happens between the two boys or within their band. So she'll just paint herself as the bad guy for their sake.

He then pressed play on the second one; "Let me start this by saying, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, this is just genuinely why I didn't want to get into a relationship, whether it was you or literally anyone else.."

"um so.. my ex cheated on me, for multiple reasons, which I'm just not ready to talk about yet. So that's why no matter how many times you'll tell me that someone means nothing to you, I'd still get jealous."

"I've had guys use me for money. I've had guys just not treat me well in general.. But I never thought you were using me for money, I never thought you treated me bad. It was just the whole idea of being cheated on again, that scared me."

"To say the least, I went through a lot last year, mentally, physically and emotionally. And then instead of working on myself, I would use guys as a coping mechanism to avoid facing the reality of everything- well my life I guess."

"And I'm genuinely sorry that I brought you into all that. I'm sorry that I- I have a fucked mindset. And that I just don't listen to others. I had multiple friends tell me I should open up to you about my exes and what I've been through. But if I'm being honest, they don't even know everything."

"I know you don't want to talk to me, but I'm willing to let you know, I'm willing to open up to you if it means you can understand me more, and why I didn't want a relationship," the second voice messaged ended.

And finally playing the last one; "I'll say now though.. the only reason I pretty much kissed Corbyn was because I got jealous of Lexi touching you, although I know nothing would happen between you two."

"But, I could never justify why I got with Zach. Because I know I could have just talked to you and worked out why we were even fighting. But no, I made myself believe that you didn't want me and that you were cheating on me and whatever else."

"Him and I going out was never meant to be romantic or whatever. And I know I can't be trusted when I'm drunk, I know I make bad decisions when I am. But for some reason, I still thought it would be a good idea."

"And I guess I'm paying the consequences for it now. Bu- but I-" she stuttered on her words as she sniffled. "We need this time apart. And just know my intentions never were to hurt you.."

"I genuinely had feelings for you, Jack. I mean I told you I love you. And although I said I didn't mean it, I did. I was just scared of getting hurt.." the final voice message ended.

Jack turned his phone off, sitting there for a second while thinking about all he had just heard. "why did I do that to myself," he mumbled through a groan, laying back on his bed.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


so now you all know she actually did apologise to him himself

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