033 | too much stress

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"Nice hickey bro," Corbyn chuckled as he pointed out the mark Adalyn had left on Jack's neck earlier that morning. "Who'd you get that from?"

"uh Adalyn.. making it known of course," Jack mumbled while rubbing his neck, a little annoyed that the other mentioned it but adding a small joke in to not show that.

"How's things going with her, anyway?" Daniel questioned as he looked up from his notebook in which he was previously writing down some song ideas.

"good," he slowly nodded. "She's a little unsure about herself now that she's taken her niece home, because she thinks she going to go to her old self.."

"What's her niece being around got to do with her seeing other guys or not?" Corbyn furrowed. "Like if she likes you, than her niece shouldn't be the reason for her to treat you well or whatever."

"Probably because she can invite other guys over- Sorry I shouldn't have opinions on this, I won't say anything else.." Zach cut himself off after hearing Corbyn scoffed and started rambling as he stood up and softly shook his head, "I should just leave."

"Bye.." Daniel sort of awkward responded, watching the boy pick up his car keys and head towards the front door of the house while all the other boys' eyes were on him.

"You need to stop being so harsh to him," Jack spoke up through a small sigh, turning to look back at the rest and having his eyes particularly on Corbyn. "I don't care that he hooked up with Adalyn, it's happened, it's over, it's whatever. If he wants to join to a conversation that's happening I don't care."

"He was the one who stopped himself and decided it was wrong of him to join into the conversation," Corbyn argued.

"Yeah but you had acted in a manner in which made it seem like you didn't want him to join into the conversation," he replied. "It's his choice if he wants talk with us, and I'm going to text Zach later telling him that."

"Anyway.." Jonah chimed in before things got out of hand between them two, although Corbyn was hesitating with his response. "Jack, have you told that other girl that you're not going to see her anymore, because the girls are all hanging out and I know it won't be long till Val tells Adalyn.."

"yeah," Jack nodded. "Grace didn't care, she didn't want anything long term anyway so we're just friends now- well I mean we haven't talked since but if we see each other we'll be fine to talk and like hang out."

"But either way Adalyn already knows I was seeing her and how we hardly spoke and I was thinking about not seeing her anymore," he kept rambling. "Like I told her that the night after the show which was when we started talking again."

"Okay then.."

"um back to the thing about the her niece going home and how Adalyn thinks she's going to go back to her old self," Daniel brought the conversation back to the original topic. "Is that to do with her now having time to do other things or something?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "She liked that Eliana was her responsibility, which I get because there's definitely things I wouldn't ever do when I have Lav. But she also says she's working on self control and this is like really the test so.."

"Like I said before, you and the fact she wants to be with you should be the reason she stops seeing other guys not her niece," Corbyn repeated himself.

"I agree with that," Jonah replied. "She also took time for herself so you'd hope she wouldn't go a get with other guys.."

"Honestly, fucking hell," Jack muttered. "All I hope is that she actually thinks about shit and doesn't tell me in a couple days that she still wants a kid cause that's fucking too much stress."

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