006 | this fucking close

505 15 14

"Can you just take my phone," Jack blurred out, chucking his phone down on the lounge in between him and his friend, and holding his hands up so he wouldn't touch it.

"You good?" Jonah asked as he picked it up, setting it on the other side of the table where Jack couldn't reach it.

"Nope," he shook his head.

"Do you want to go home and calm down, refocus, sort whatever's happening out?" Daniel more suggested rather than questioned. "Or even distract yourself in any other way..?"

"Nope. Because I'm this fucking close," he start his ramble, hold his index finger and thumb together to the point where they were almost touching. "To messaging Adalyn and I know if I have my phone I will.."


"stop, let him talk," Jonah whispered to Corbyn who was on the other side of him.

"She frustrates me so fucking much. Yet I still want her so badly," Jack groaned. "I just can't get her out of my head and I hate it. And listening to those fucking voice messages did not help."

"I just want to reply to her but it's been two months and I know I shouldn't. But it's so fucking tempting, and I just miss her," he continued. "Sorry I just needed to get all that out."

"clearly," Daniel responded, not necessarily upset with him for doing so but glad that he had let it all out.

"Jack, do you think this girl's sitting at home crying about how she's not with you?" Corbyn asked. "Realistically no. Look at how quickly she would go hookup with other guys the second you two would fight... Hate to break it to you, but she's probably moved on already."

"I did see a photo of her and that guy from her work together, and he was kissing her.." Daniel slowly nodded, as much as he would hate to admit it because the wording was kind of harsh, he fully agreed with Corbyn.

"You can like her but I just don't think it'll end well.." Jonah mentioned.

"Best option.." Corbyn spoke up again. "Just move on and find someone else who'll treat you well."

"I know I need to but.." he sort of shrugged.

"There's a party at um.. I can't think of their name right now, down the road. If you want to go out and distract yourself.."

"Maybe find a new girl," Corbyn added.

"mh okay.."

A few hours had past, all four boys went back to their own places to get ready for the party before meeting back up at Daniel's — Zach hadn't came to their session today since he felt like things between him and Jack we're still awkward.

Walking into the house party, the boys all separated off to greet some of their friends that they had spotted. While for Jack, he just grabbed a drink and made his way through the house, trying to find a quiet area, with ended up being out in the backyard.

After sitting there fiddling with his phone and occasionally taking sips of his drink a girl had made her way over, joining him by sitting down beside him.

"You look lonely out here. Do you not want to be here or something?" she questioned.

He turn to his side slightly, looking at the girl. "uh.. not necessarily. My friends wanted to come, and they're off with their other friends. And I just wanted somewhere quiet," Jack explained.

"same, I guess," she let out a sigh, almost inaudible sigh, then smiling at the boy. "You're pretty by the way."

"thanks.." he sort of forced a smile in response. "You're pretty too.."

"Don't say too," she shook her head, yet still smiling and happy to be making conversation with him. "It makes it sounds like you're agreeing with me.."

"oh," he slightly nodded.

"So what's the go.. I'm assuming you're single, hence why you're sitting out here alone, bored at a party," she raised a brow as he hesitated with his response. "Unless it's like long distance, then I'll go and leave you alone."

"No.. I am, I just.."

"You're just not ready for something?" she finished his sentence as he slowly nodded. "I understand, that's okay. Friends it is?"

"Friends," he agreed, this time not having to force the smile.

Jack actually enjoyed talking this new mystery girl, he liked that she'd rather get to know him and taking things at a comfortable speed. Unlike Adalyn who went straight from 'hey' to being on him and making out, although he did in fact enjoy that in the moment.

"Hey I gotta go," she said looked up from her phone after reading the message she just received. "But it was nice talking to you."

"Yeah, that's okay. It was nice talking to you," he gave a little wave, her doing the same quickly before she had turned around.

"oh, can I have your number?" she said as she turned back around, holding her phone out for him. "You can say no, of course."

"Sure," he grabbed it from her. Then handing it back to her with his name and number filled out.

She looked down and read it and back at him. "Its gonna be hard to stalk you Jack no surname," she joked.

"yeah," he responded with a small laugh.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


sorta shorter chapter but he's makin moves

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