002 | there's no point

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"Adalyn.." Willow softly said as she knocked on the girl's bedroom door. After hearing a small groan, she added; "You should get up.. and come to the store with me. It's three o'clock and you haven't left the place for a couple days.."

"I don't wanna go out," she complained as she pulled the covers over herself.

Adalyn had fallen back into the same state she was in when her and Harvey broke up a bit over a year ago. Where she'll spend everyday alone in her apartment, doing little to nothing. Although lately it hasn't been as bad, but there still are days.

But, this time around she hadn't started getting with a bunch of other guys — well kept doing it — because she really wanted to better herself. She was actually putting in the effort to not hurt anyone else.

Early on, probably about a couple days after, she convinced Willow to come stay with her. And while she would be out at college, Adalyn would be at her apartment, sleeping her day away. Which seemingly worked out well for the pair, since she'd be awake by the time the other got home.

As much as Adalyn hated being made to get fresh air some days, she knows that Willow being there is good for her, and to be completely honest if Willow wasn't there, she probably wouldn't have left the place at all since her and Jack had officially split up.

"Adalyn.. please," Willow begged.

"Ten minutes," she huffed, rolled over onto the pillow beside her and closed her eyes. "Make that twenty."

Willow softly shook her head at the girl's response before making her way back out to the living room, letting Adalyn have it her way, like she always does.

Despite asking her get out of the apartment everyday, she's never forced her to. If Adalyn really doesn't want to one day and won't change her mind, Willow will just settle with the fact and go to do her errands alone.  

She wanted the girl to feel comfortable with her staying, whether it's letting her get things her way or listening to the girl ramble about how she's feeling. After all that is about to be her full time job.

Ten minutes had pasted, Adalyn finally decided to get out of bed and get dressed for the day. Picking out just a simple shirt and shorts outfit, and getting changed before making her way out to the living room.

"Are you going to eat before we go?" Willow got up from the lounge, following her into the kitchen.

"hm.." Adalyn hummed as her eyes scanned the items in the fridge. "no"

"Well we could go to a cafe or something before the grocery store," she suggested. "Just grab a little snack."

"okay," the other mumbled.

The two grabbed their things and made their way out of the apartment and down to the parking garage, with minimal communication to by-passers on the way and mainly just talking with each other.

The one thing Adalyn would like to do when she went out was drive, so like always they had got into her car. And within a couple minutes they were out on the streets on Los Angeles, on their way to the grocery store.

Using the store's car park, the girls made the small walk from there to a cafe. Ordering something to eat and drink before taking a seat outside, away from the majority of people.

"You still think of him don't you," Willow questioned, referring to Jack since Adalyn had told her that she had a dream last night that he was in.

"mhm," she slowly nodded, crossing her arms on the table top. "And I kinda hate it because he never wants to see me."


"I literally fuck up everything. What is wrong with me," she rhetorically groaned, cutting her friend off and laying her head down on top of her arms.

"Adalyn, you made a mistake, like we all have before. The only thing you can do is grow from it."

"Why did he have to be the guy I fuck things up with," she complained as her eyes slightly started watering up, which she was quick to wipe away. "He's like everything I wanted."

"Like everything?" the other slightly tilted her head.

"yeah.." she mumbled lifting her head up and make eye contact. "There were some things I didn't like about him. Only like a couple. But not everyone's perfect. And there were more things I liked about him then didn't."

"I do really like him. He honestly way better than Harvey and Carter," she kept defending herself and the way she worded it. "And I just hate myself the not recognise that before."

"Here you go, girls," the staff said as she placed their food and drinks on the table in front of them.

"Thank you," the two both replied in unison.

"Adalyn, we've been over this.. he didn't say he never wants to see you, he said he needs time to himself," Willow explained. "There's a difference."

Adalyn had let her listen to the voice messages so she could understand more of what happened between them and why she was so upset. But agreeing with herself that Willow's the only other people who'll ever hear them.

"But with his friends and I's DMs being exposed he must hate me. Because not only did I go behind his back to hang out with his friend, but I also told him to get a fake ID and gave him the link after Jack had told me not to," she rambled.

Willow watched the girl take a small bit of her muffin while she was thinking about how to respond. "I get that you made a mistake but you need to move forward eventually and you need to stop hating yourself because you can't change the past."

"If you just keep circling around the idea that he hates you, without any proof of him saying that, you're never going to grow and better yourself in the ways you want," she continued, receiving a soft nod in response.

"But he still hasn't responded to my voice messages.."

"He told you he probably won't respond, give him time to make up his mind. You just need to be patient Adalyn."

"I should just re-download Instagram and take that post down," she sniffled, grabbing her phone. "It been two months, there's no point. He doesn't want to associate with me ever again.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


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