035 | play into the narrative

346 17 12

As the well known quote from Mean Girls goes; "In girl world, Halloween is the one night in a year when a girl can dress like a total slut, and no others girls can say anything about it.."

And when it comes to Adalyn and her friends mainly all of them follow by that every year whether they're in a relationship or not, it was always seen as a night for fun.

She knew that Jack was going be at the party tonight and that she also wanted to get attention from other guys. So instead of finding something in her wardrobe that could work as a last minute costume, Adalyn found the tightest, shortest and most revealing dress she owned.

Calling Valentine on facetime and propping the phone up against her mirror as she down her makeup. Yet after her friend not answering the first time, she left her phone there waiting for a call back.

Adalyn had gotten half way through her makeup before the other girl called, she answered it almost instantly. "Hey sorry I was getting dressed," Valentina explained once the called connected.

"What are you going as?" Adalyn questioned as she looked over at her phone screen.

"Slutty Hermione- wait not like full just a tad bit, show off the body you know," she let out a small laugh. "Jonah's going as Harry Potter so yeah.. why not. And you?"

"Myself," she playfully flicked her hair, also letting out a small laugh. "Or as what many people think I am.. a hoe. Play into the narrative you know."

"That hot. Also please don't go breaking Jack's heart tonight just because you're mad at him," she slightly tilted her head at the other girl. "If you want to be with him, you have tonight to prove yourself.."

"You're no Jack's side?" she jokingly groaned, tilting her head back slightly then looked back at the mirror as she continued doing her makeup. "I might fuck around for bit though just to piss him off."


"I'm so sorry you're in a healthy, loving, drama free relationship with one of them but that just doesn't work for me," she half forced a grin at the other girl.

"Addie, I'm just trying to help you," Valentina responded.

"Listen.. I'm not going to hookup with anyone, I'm not going to kiss anyone, I'm just going to flirt a little.. which technically is an improvement for me," Adalyn argued. "It's not like I'm going out with the intentions to hookup with a guy to get back at Jack.."

"Okay.. if you say soo," she slightly dragged out her words while softly shaking her head, not really that disappointed because it's expected from that girl. "Anyway I've gotta go finish getting ready, I'll see you later. Also am I still coming to your apartment and taking an uber with you?"

"Yes, if that's what's you're still down to do."

"Yeah I am," she nodded. "I'll message you when I leave here."

"Okay. Bye, see you later," Adalyn responded before hanging up the call.

After Valentina had arrived at her friends apartment, the two called an uber and make their way together to the party in which all of their friends were plus a lot of their mutual friends and complete strangers as well.

They grabbed a drink each while they made an agreement to meet up at the end of the night before leaving so they know the others safe. The they both went different ways, Valentine to go find Jonah and Adalyn to find anyone other than Jack.

Adalyn sort of just wondered around for a bit, sharing smiles with a few people she had pasted until someone had stopped her by softly grabbed hand as he said a little 'hey' to get her attention.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he smiled, pulling her in closer to him.

"Do I know you?" she slightly raised a brow as she held her cup up by her mouth but not actually drinking any of it while him have his hand anywhere on her body without any care.

"Saxon. I use to see you at your work all the time, I haven't seen you there lately," he explained, receiving a small nod from her. "I've missed you flirting with me."

"ohh right.. well.." she softly bit down on her lip, trying to decide on what to tell him while slightly glancing around the room. "I sorta quit my job."

"You're hot," he lent forward and whispered it in her ear, pulling back away and running his tongue along his upper teeth.

"I kinda have a boyfriend," she replied, but then still standing up on her toes slightly and placing a kiss on the boy's check. "Hope that keeps you satisfied enough."

"He's not around though.. you could do more.."

She pressed her lips together as she hum followed by letting out a small sigh. "He is somewhere here.." she said while still trying to resist the urge.

"And that's why you've stayed here talking to me, standing this close and letting me hold you the way I am right now instead of going to find him?"

"Yeah well I like to play with him a bit," she let out a small laugh out of slightly awkwardness.

Saxon kept trying to convince her to let something happen between them and Adalyn played along with it, but stuck to her word of not letting anything happen. While they we're doing that Jack had found Grace and was hanging out and talking with her.

"Who do you keep looking at?" Grace questioned, looking over in the direction in which he was.

"Adalyn.. making sure she's not going to do anything with that guy," Jack mutter as his eyes stayed glued on Adalyn.

"Is that the girlfriend..?"

"My ex that I'm seeing again, yes," he nodded.

"Why do you even see her if she does stuff like this?" she said, finally make the boy break his eyes away from Adalyn and moving them to the girl beside him instead.

"She's mad at me, and because we're not actually dating she knows she can actually do whatever if she really wants. And I'm not going to stop her from talking to him because.. um yeah.." he let out small sigh after his ramble, since he really couldn't find a reason on why.

"Has she always been like that?" she slightly furrowed.

"Yeah but she had no care before so the fact that it's been at least ten minutes and she has only let him touch her and not let anything else happen despite how close they are.. that's unlike her."

"And in all honesty, she'll spend all night with other guys and then come to me at the end and make me go home with her," he added.

"You do too much to be with her compared to how she treats you," Grace pointed out.

"She has a good reason-"

"Does she though?" she partly interrupted him but saying in a polite tone. "Sure she could have a good reason but that doesn't mean she should be flirting with other guys. Like why can't she hang out with her friends instead? Why's she gotta go flirt with other guys just because she's mad at you?"

"I don't know that's just what she does," he shrugged.

"okay," she slowly nodded. "It's up to you, but I personally think you should stand your ground a bit more and not let her walk all over you and treat you like shit.."


[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


btw there's a line in here somewhere
that refers to the plot of the val&jonah spin
off (it's probably easy to find lol) anyway
that comes outttt ... soon 😃

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