012 | and i know that girl..

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"Lucas, how does this look?" Adalyn asked the boy as she came out of the bathroom, smoothing out her dress a little and then looking at him.

"It looks nice.. you look nice," he gave her a soft smile.

"I don't know.." she mumbled. "I feel like it doesn't fit like it use to.. like what's this," she said tugging at the bit of extra fabric around her stomach. "It looks bad. Lucas just tell me I look bad and let me go change."

He let out a small sigh as he got up and went over to her, grabbing her hands. "You don't though. You look really nice. Stopping stressing."

"What if Jack's there?" she said keeping the same tone as before, looking down at their hands while she sort of swung them side to side.

"Well if Jack's there than he's there, okay? And if you two want to talk then you can, no one's stopping you," he explained, receiving a slow nod from her. "But if he doesn't.. that's also okay.."

"Let's not go, I don't want to go," she shook her head, letting go of his hands and starting to walk towards her bed, him being quick to grab one of her hands again and pull her back in.

"We're going, okay? And if he's there then we can leave, okay? And you're not getting changed, you looked extremely pretty Adalyn, okay?

"Okay okay," she answered to the first two but hesitated on the third, letting out a small sigh. "And okay.."

Walking into the house party felt weird to Adalyn, for the first time in months she's put herself back into an environment that she's use to be in every week, and now she was just feeling like she was stepping out of her comfort zone.

She stayed close to Lucas as they wondered through the house, finding a drinks table and grabbing a cup each.

Even drinking alcohol felt unusual to the girl. So to make sure she didn't get to tipsy from the first, she put in more of her mixer drink and less vodka then she would have three months ago.

The two found a quieter spot where they had taken a seat. "How are you feeling?" Lucas questioned, watching the girl as she took a sip of her drink.

"Alright.." she slowly nodded, glancing around the party at the groups of people.

"Do you want to go socialise?" he suggested as he looked at him, shaking her head. 

"I'm out and that's enough for today," Adalyn forced a small smiled at him then looking back around again, seeing three people — one she kind of wanted to see, just not really at this moment. One she didn't really care, and the other was the last person she wanted to see. "We need to go."

"Why? Who's here?" he looked over to where she was before the sudden begging to leave. "oh.." he noticed Jack and Jonah speaking to a brunette girl.

"And I know that girl.." she mumbled, sniffling a little as she watched Jack and her be touchy with one another. "That's the worst part.."

"Can I ask who she is?"

"Funnily enough.. my sister," she let out a breath, facing Lucas as he nodded, trying to remember if she's ever mentioned the fact she had a sister. "Well half sister and she's like thirty so I don't know why the fuck he's touching her or even talking to."

He grabbed her hand and not responded, in attempt to calm her down and make sure she had time to refocus herself.

"I get that she looks young and all but that doesn't change the fact that she literally like eight years older than him," she continued to complain.

"Adalyn.." he softly spoke up. "I feel like you'd be happier if you go talk to them instead-"

"No," she cut him off, shaking her head. "No. Jack can't know that I haven't moved on. Let's just leave."

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