025 | a committed relationship

418 21 2


mr. avery

hey adalyn are you ready to talk
about everything else yet?

i don't know if i'll ever be "ready"
to talk about what carter done but
i guess i can if you want to come

are you free for me to come over

or i could talk about my family
and why i don't get alone v well
with them

and eliana's still trying to get to
sleep but she should be by the time
you get here

idc if you talk about your family or
your ex, it's up to you and whatever
you find easiest

i kinda just wanna come over

okay come over whenever you
want and we'll see what i end up
talking about

cool i'll see you soon

see you soon


Adalyn sat there at the kitchen island on her phone, the room full of silence as she ate some food while waiting for Jack to arrive. And with a knock on the door she had gotten up, making her way over to let the boy in.

Sharing a simple 'hey' with one another and a quick hug then making their way over to when she was before.

The more the two have been seeing each other, the less awkward greeting and talking got. The both were really enjoy their time together, just hanging out as friends and not taking things to quickly this time around.

"Sorry, I was eating I was hungry," she said with a small laugh as she sat back down, slightly pushing the plate away from her.

"That's okay. You don't have to apologise," he softly shook his head at her, and sat down beside her. "You got your niece to sleep fine, I'm guessing."

"mh," she nodded. "she's just been a bit fussy lately because she wants to see her mom and even FaceTiming her didn't help with things. But I'm hoping now because she knows she going home soon, that she'll a little less fussy."

"When's she going home?"

"Not this Monday, but the Monday after," she explained, receiving a nod from him. "And I honestly don't know how I'm doing but I need forget about all that right now and make sure I take her out and do things for her."

"What do you mean?" he slightly tilted his head as he softly replied. "Do you want to talk about how you're feeling?"

"Well.. you're gonna sorta be happy to hear this," she started as she let out a small sigh. "Lucas kissed me and I told him I don't want to be anything more than friends, then he said he doesn't want to pretend to be my boyfriend in front of my family, and I just told him to leave. And we haven't spoke since. That was two days ago.."

"You like talking about things now?" he sort of joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"mhm, I guess," she nodded. "I realised that if I want a committed relationship with someone. I need to be able to tell them the truth and be honest with them.."

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