039 | everything's gonna be okay

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Following the Tuesday night spent getting drunk with people she didn't know and all over guy a couple guys. And then after a few too many drinks around midnight, Adalyn wound up only going as far as a kiss with one of them which she pulled away from almost instantly as the feeling of regret came over her.

Jonah and Valentina had stayed off to the side that night, having a small table to themselves, sort of watching the girl as they enjoyed the time out together. Both shaking their heads at the girl once they saw her action with the guy.

And after that small kiss instead of hanging out and staying around with the guys and her new friends some more, Adalyn went right over to the couple, pleading for them to take her home which they happily done.

But now, two days later, she hadn't left her apartment or been in contact with anyone since. She just wanted to lay in bed and drown in her sorrows, not wanting to face the reality of her actions.

Eating little to no food as the time passed by since she couldn't bear getting up to make a meal, and usually just having a small snack when she was bothered to get up to find something.

But the aloneness was only driving her too slowly loose control of herself, and she didn't know what to do.

As she laid there with the tv lighting up the room, the volume barely audible as the night turned to the morning of the Friday, still yet to sleep for that night, Adalyn finally grabbed her phone and found Willow's number.

She hated that she seemed to always fall back on Willow whenever she had things going on, simply because she was therapist, but she didn't know to completely open with seems the one other person she hadn't spoken to for almost a month.

"Hey Adalyn.." Willow almost hesitantly answered the call. "Is everything okay? Isn't it really early in LA?"

"I can't sleep.." she mumbled in response.

"If you have something you wanna talk about, I have like twenty-ish minutes before a client," she replied wanting to help her friend, receiving a small hum. "What's happened since I talked to you a couple days ago?"

"I didn't listen to you," she blurted out.


"I went out on um.. Tuesday night and I kissed a random guy," she confessed, "And I feel terrible about it because I do want to be with Jack. And I haven't left my place since. I don't want to talk to or see anyone cause I'm scared that he's gonna find out and hate me."

"Look Adalyn.." Willow spoke up. "I'm not a relationships therapist but if I were somehow in this position you are.. I would openly tell him what happened. The best thing you can do is be honest with your partner, even if you know it's not what they want to hear."

"You're the only person who knows how you're feeling about this kiss, so it's best he hears it from you not someone else," she continued. "I told you this the other day, but if you want to be in a relationship with him and have it work out, you need to put effort in, okay?"

"I know but I just feel like he's going to hate me
for it," Adalyn sighed.

"Adalyn, I'm sure everything's gonna be okay," she replied. "You put in so much effort for him over the end of summer, start of fall.. and I know how much you like him so please don't just go wasting all that time spent working on yourself over one mistaken kiss."

"I hate to suggest this.. but look on the bright side, you two aren't technically officially dating so it's not cheating. But, on the other hand he is a romantic interest in your life so you shouldn't try to hide this from him," Willow kept explaining. "What do you think you should do?"

"Never see anyone again-"

"No Addie, be realistic," she politely interrupted.

"Tell Jack. But I don't wanna tell Jack."

Willow let out a small inaudible sigh, "You won't be able to move forward in a relationship, Adalyn, if you're not willing to be open and honest with your partner. Okay?"

"I can't fix your relationship for you, I can suggest you ways to improve yourself and to hopefully progress your relationship. But like I said before, I'm not a relationships therapist- you could maybe see one if you really need it. But other than that I'm sorry, but I can't do much to help you."

"I'm not letting some fucking random person waste my time and end up just telling me to break up with him," Adalyn scoffed. "I already had enough twelve year old try to have an opinion on us last time I was with him."

"Okay.. well I've gotta go now, but once again all I suggest is that you be honest with him about what happened and tell him about how you feel after it had happened."

"okay.. bye.."

"Bye Adalyn, try to get some sleep.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


now will adalyn be honest with jack🤔🤔

also why did no one call me out for using
the wrong your/you're in the last chapter
title?? you just let me embarrass myself

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