018 | your ex is over there

402 17 3

After putting her niece down for a nap, Adalyn made her way into her bedroom. Scrolling through her contacts to find someone in particular and pressing called. She sat there on her bed, picking at her lips as she waited for it to be answered.

"Hey Adalyn, is everything okay?"

"Hey Naomi.. are you still- could you still look after Eliana tonight? I know it's late notice so if you can't that's fine," she rambled in response, "I've just been thinking about it all and I just feel bad about Val not having anyone there with her."

"Yes of course I can, I'd love to," she almost instantly agreed. "You deserve a night out."

"Thank you so much, I'll figure out a way to make things up to you," she said with a smile on her face, happy that she can go even if she says it's just for Valentina.

"You don't have to Adalyn, don't stress."

"Okay.. I've gotta call Val, but I'll see you later when I drop Ellie off," she added.

"See you later"

The call hung up and Adalyn then hesitantly called her other friend, really hoping she wasn't already with all the boys because she didn't know how they're felt about her going there tonight and she didn't want to cause any more drama.

"Hey Adalyn, I'm just with Jonah and his friends.. what's up?" she answered the call, shortly after hearing Adalyn let out a sigh. "Is everything alright?"

"uh yeah," she nodded although the other couldn't see. "I- I can come to the show tonight if you still want me to.. Naomi already agreed to look after Ellie.."

"Yes, come, please," Valentina begged. "But I've gotta go right now, I love you, you're a life saver. I'll text you later."

"Okay, I'll see you later- oh can you not tell the boys I don't want them to worry about me being there or get distracted or whatever."

"No, of course not. I'll tell Jonah so you can get on the guest list but no one else. Okay, I've actually got to go, bye bye bye bye," she repeated the word multiple times as she hung up phone.

Adalyn set her phone down beside her and laid back on the bed, covering her face with her hands to hide the smile although there was no one else around to see it.

Pulling up in a parking spot not too far from the venue's entry after she had already dropped her niece off at her Naomi's house, Adalyn stayed in her car for a little while longer as she waited for her friend to respond to her message.

She got out of her car once she had noticed Valentina come outside and start walking in the direction of Adalyn. The two gave each other a hug as they greeted each other.

"I'm telling you now, I've been out here multiple times now and no one's said a word to me, I think they think I work for the venue or something," she said with a small laugh.

"Yeah but no one knows that you're dating him, that's why," she watched as the other shook her head. "So many more people know of me."

"Adalyn, everyone knows I'm your friend. Stop stressing, it's all in your head," she gently rubber her hand against the girl's shoulder. "Let's go in.."


Heading inside, Adalyn had stuck to the right side of her friends while looking at the ground so she was less likely to be noticed. Valentina had introduced her to a couple of boys' friends which she had been talking to while waiting for Adalyn.

"Hey Adalyn, are you here to see Jack or Zach? Or have you moved onto another one now?" a random girl called out to her.

"I'm not here to see any of them," she sigh and folded her arms as she turned around to face the mutual friends that were standing behind her.

"What was that about?" Elizabeth asked, slightly narrowing her eyes at the girl while also crossing her arms.

"I uh.. um it's nothing don't worry," she stuttered and her gaze dropping down to her feet.

"Adalyn use to have a thing with one of them and yeah.." Valentina explained, "But she's here for me tonight, not any of them."

She looked up and gave her friend a soft smile before her eyes going back to the other girl, "Why do you ask?"

"I'm his girlfriend.." Elizabeth responded, "Well not officially but we've been hanging out a lot lately."

"oh.." Adalyn's arms dropped down to her sides as she glanced over at her friend and let out a sigh, "I think I'm going to go now.."

"No Adalyn don't, you just got here," Valentina grabbed both her hands, "please stay.. at least for like two songs.."

"Fine, but only two songs.." she agreed.

The lights went down as the show started and the sound of teenagers cheering filled the room. Adalyn stayed close to Valentina the whole time, picking at her lips as she watched over the boys on stage.

The first two songs had past by quicker then expected so she had end up staying longer, which didn't really come by surprised to Valentina after she had noticed the smile on the girl's face.

Daniel patted Jack's shoulder after he had sung his part in 'Love Back', gaining his attention and then gestured at a fan's phone which had "Jack your ex is over there" with an arrow pointing in the direction of their friends, written on the screen.

He softly shook his head as he looked over at Adalyn. "If you're not gonna be the one at least give me back my love," he sung along aside Zach, making slight eye contact with as he contiuned to play his guitar.

"Alright, I'm actually going now," Adalyn said to her friend, awkwardly stretching the back of her neck.

"What was that?" Valentina tuned to face her, holding her ear closing to the girl's mouth.

"I'm going home," she repeated, the other looked at her and nodding as she gave her a hug. "I talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, get home safe," she responded as she unwrapped her arms, giving her a soft smile.

She watched Adalyn as she made her way past a few people and out of the venue, a small frown on Valentina's face before looking back to the boys and watching the rest of the show.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


"and i looked so stupid when you came to
my show" - dean lewis, falling up

if you have listened to the playlist you've
known this was coming, i literally put that song
in just for that specific line lol

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