Thoughts And A New Feeling

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"If you were trying to be quiet, you failed when you opened the door."I spoke to whoever had entered the room I was staying in. "And not to forget your thoughts are abnormally loud."She added to hear a huff leaving the person's lips. "I was just bringing you some food."The person said, putting something down in front of me as I grabbed the person's hand, hearing how their breath got stuck in their throat, afraid of what I would do, of what I could do and a part of me was glad that people still feared me even after everything that went down. "Co..." "Remus Lupin."I said, a smile forming on my lips as my hand fell back down by my side. "How do you know that?"He asked confused. The debate in his head was quite enjoyable. Should he just leave and not bother or should he question me and obviously the curiousity got the upperhand. "Quite a skill I mastered during my years on the run and during my devotion for him."I explained, my hand tapping against the tray that suppossedly held the food I was supposed to consume. "Just by a touch you can figure out who someone is?"He asked curious and I could feel his eyes on me. "No mainly I start sorting through whatever is going on in someone's head, classify what could be of use and what is just not useful. Thoughts give away a person quite easily, you see. I would suggest to all the people downstairs in the living room to learn how to block someone invading your mind. I can feel some are skilled yet some are quite easy to intrude."I answered, knowing a soft smile was on my lips, remembering all the funny and sometimes inappropriate thoughts some of the people in this house had. Not that I would mention names as I was not quite sure to who some thoughts belonged. "Not to forget to teach the younger ones that to. I remember my father being intrested in invading their minds and get some information lose about the boy you're all so willingly to give your life for."I added. "And where you not willingly to give your life for your father?"He questioned back as he slowly went back to the door. "I was raised to do such a thing. What did you expect me to do?"I asked back, getting to my feet and I was sure I heard him take a step back at that. There hung a silince between us and if it was not for the rapid beating of his heart and the thoughts sometimes getting through I would have thought he had left me alone. "What about your mother?"He asked carefully. "Rule 6, never ever ask questions about Mother."I said straight away, not realizing I had said that out loud till I could sense a strange emotion in the air, one I could not put my finger on. "What is this? What are you feeling?"I asked confused, my head turning around trying to find where he was standing till his voice broke the silince giving me a slight idea where he was in the room. "Compassion."He answered before leaving the room. Compassion...What the bloody hell was that?


"What is her aim in this all? What does she gain?"Kingsley asked out loud, sipping his coffee as all the other members of the Order thought about that but before someone could answer it the door opened as Remus Lupin walked inside, a frown present on his face. "What is the matter, Moony?"Sirius asked, standing up as he made his way towards his friend. "I don't think she has an aim at all."Remus muttered, pouring himself a cup of coffee, feeling all the curious gazes of the others on him as Sirius rested a hand on his shoulder. "What do you mean?"Sirius asked, leading Remus to the dining table to sit down with the rest. "I had a conversation with her when I brought her food."He explained, taking a sip. "I thought we agreed to not speak to her till we know more about her."Alastor Moody spoke slightly dissapointed to only feel the dissaproving gaze of Molly Weasley on him who wanted that everyone treated her like a normal human being, not like a problem or something.

"I was not planning on having a conversation with her."Remus quickly said. "It's just she is quite observant, you know. Even without her sight she knew I was in the room and apparently she is a skilled Legilimens, managed to get in my mind without an incanation nor did she had to see me because well...The thing is I did not feel at all that she had entered, not a feeling at all. She managed to get my name out of it. She may have also mentioned that we should start learning how to shield our minds more as should the children."He went on, thinking back about the woman up in the attic. Yes, he was quite scared of her when he entered the room because after all she was the daughter of You Know Who and he could not imagine what she could be capable of but having that conversation with her, he not once felt threatened by her and maybe she was in a weaker state and all that but she had the possibility of hurting so many of them before but she did not which must mean something, right? 

"We cannot possibly trust her."Alastor said with a shake of his head. "She is his daughter."He added in a hiss. "For Merlin's sake she had not the option to choose who her father was!"Molly said irritated, standing up from her seat. "You're all acting like she is a monster but she saved Arthur. She even saved Sirius. She openly stood up against her own father and what do we do, act as if she may run right back at him and have us all killed!"She added going towards the door but before she could open it, the door swung open and in walked Albus Dumbledore with Severus Snape. "She cannot go back to him."Severus spoke lowly, closing the door behind him. "Voldemort has every deatheater looking for her. He wants her dead."

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