A New Ally

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"Do you realise what I just said?"Molly asked, slightly agitated as all the members of the Order kept talking instead of listening to her. She was the one who checked on the poor girl after a clear debate about it and now they wouldn't even listen to her? The girl blinded herself for Merlin's sake! "Will you all stop rambling like some... Just listen to me!"She exclaimed, schocking every single person in the room with her outburst. "Honey, are you alright?"Arthur asked, closing the distance between him and his wife as he held his palm against her forehead, checking to see if she was feeling ill or something. "Sto...I'm fine."She said, swatting his hand away before looking at everyone for a moment. "I was trying to tell you how it went with uhm...the girl."She stated, unsure if she should use her name or if it... Could she use her name? After all there was nothing wrong with her name, was there. Unlike with you know, you know who's name. "And what were you trying to tell us, Molly?"Albus asked as a sign for her to continue as she took a seat at that, a sigh leaving her lips as she remembered the state she found the poor girl in. She couldn't imagine doing such a thing to protect complete strangers. She didn't know them yet she decided to take away her sight. Why...

"She...uhm..."She started, trying to find the right words to use to explain what happened because in reality she was still trying to comprehend what happened just a few minutes ago. "Just spill it out."Sirius Black said, urging her to say whatever it was. "I don't really know what happened. And I may have forgotten what I was supposed to do or ask."She started, receiving confused glances from the others. "You had to talk to her about what happened back in the Ministry, Molly."Remus Lupin said carefully, sitting down next to the woman. "Well, I was going to but she told me to wait for a moment before entering which I did, I mean, the poor girl deserves some privacy, doesn't she? But I thought that it took an awful long time before she allowed me to enter. So I went in...But she..."She explained. Was there an easy way to say what she was going to say? But really she didn't really know if they needed her for something and if that all was in vain now. "But she what?"Alastor Moody asked with a frown. "You see she...uhm...She may have blinded herself."She finished, her leg bouncing a bit as her husband sat down next to her, his hand on her leg trying to comfort her. There hung a silince in the room as Molly's words sunk in. From everything that could have possibly happened this did not cross anyone's mind. "Why on bloody earth would she do such a thing!?"Sirius Black asked schocked, pacing around the room suddenly as Remus stood up going towards his friend, saying something to him that no one else caught as the man relaxed at that. "Because of Voldemort."Albus Dumbledore said, having already figured out what made the girl do what she did. He understood her motives for a part. "Why would she..." "If Harry has a connection with him, it will only be logic that that connection is also there between his daughter and him. After all, we do not know all that happened. But we know now, that her allegiance has changed drastically if we look at her recent actions."He explained, scanning every face in the room as he was deciding what they should do next. He, himself, had a mission already and that was finding all the Hocruxes hidden by You Know Who but he knew, he felt that the girl up in the attic could be of use. How? He had not figured out yet. "When will Severus arrive?"


"My Lord, what will we do now?"Bellatrix LeStrange asked, bowing by her Lord's feet. "You will keep on looking for her until you find her!"The Dark Lord roared, his eyes looking at every deatheater in the room. "She has to die as soon as possible."He hissed. "What about the deatheaters that were captured, my Lord?"One deatheater asked. "I do not care about any of them. As long as she is running around breathing. Our mission is in danger, do you hear me? I want her heart on a silver platter brought to me."He hissed, standing up. "But she is..." "She is a failure and I do not give life to failures. So if you see her...Kill her."He said, interupting the deatheater from finishing his sentence as the Dark Lord left the room followed by his pet snake, Nagini. "I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted."Bellatrix LeStrange snarled once the door closed behind her master. "Yet you let her escape."Severus Snape said slowly, receiving a glare from the mad woman. "She caught me by surprise but next time there will be no such surprise."She said with a laugh before leaving the room, going to find her master once again as Severus stayed seated in the chair he was, watching how every deatheater also left, some unsure about all this, others determinated to find the girl and finish her because after all receiving the same order from the Dark Lord again meant trouble if not succeeded and every deatheater knew the price that would be paid by them. 

"Severus..."Narcissa Malfoy spoke pulling the black-haired wizard out of his thoughts looking at the wife of Lucius Malfoy with slight curious. "He...The Dark Lord wishes for my son, for Draco to join him."She spoke, looking around to make sure no one was listening to them. Severus knew the failed attempt of Lucius Malfoy would have consequences for his family. "And what does the Dark Lord wishes from him?"He asked with raised eyebrow. "To kill Dumbledore."

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