A Gift

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"Hello, darling."Narcissa Malfoy spoke as she tucked me in, a small but sad smile on her lips. "Where is daddy?"I asked confused, looking around the room. "He is busy."She whispered softly, her eyes going back to the door of my bedroom for a moment. "Will he come say goodnight?"I asked back as she shook her head. "I don't think he will."She answered softly, putting a strand of my black hair behind my ear. "Does Daddy love me?"I asked next rather unsure as she frowned at that. "Perhaps."She muttered with a sad smile after placing a kiss on my forehead. "But I love you, darling. Remember that."


"Why am I here, sir?"Severus Snape asked as he sat in the Headmaster's office with the old wizard sitting at the otherside of the desk. "I wanted you here when they arrived."Albus Dumbledore spoke just as there was a noise in the fireplace as two figures stepped out. "Wait, let me dust you off a bit, my dear."Minerva McGonagall's voice sounded as Severus stood up at that to make his way to the fireplace followed by Albus to greet them. "Minerva, how was the journey?"The headmaster spoke, greeting the older witch with a kind smile before turning his attention to the other woman who just grunted. "Have you used the Floo networks before, Elaysa?"He asked, surprising Severus Snape who took in the other woman. She did not look anything like Elaysa. What was this? "I've not had the pleasure."She spoke softly, still facing Minerva McGonagall who was rubbing the last spot of dust of the other woman's shoulder. "There you go."She said softly, a smile gracing her face. "I still have something for you, Elaysa."Albus Dumbledore spoke, going away for a moment to get something, leaving Severus, Elaysa and Minerva alone for a moment. "I think I did quite a good job at changing her appearances, don't you think, Severus?"Minerva asked, gesturing at the other woman as Severus once again looked at Elaysa. What was once black hair was changed to light brown hair that somehow seemed a bit red in the right light. She also seemed a bit taller or perhaps that were the heels she was now wearing and her eyes instead of them being a green colour, they were now a light brown colour and where that also freckles covering her cheeks? If it was not for her voice, he would have perhaps not recognized her... 

"You did a good job indeed."The potions master spoke with a court nod just as Albus Dumbledore came back in the room followed by a cloud of black...Fur? "I talked a bit with Arthur Weasley and he mentioned something muggles used who were blind."The old wizard explained as the black cloud stopped moving as Severus now finally realized what it was. It was a bloody dog... "A dog?"Severus asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's quite intresting, Severus. They train dogs to help blind people around. Not to forget they are great companions!"Albus explained as the dog started to sniff everyone stopping by Minerva who looked rather skeptical at the dog who seemed slightly confused as its head tilted a bit before going to Severus who took a step back at that, wanting to keep a distance between him and that thing before the dog went to Elaysa as it nudged her hand with its nose for attention. A soft smile formed on her lips as she stooped down. "Hello."She whispered as it licked her face in happiness, its tail wagging. "What a sweetheart."She muttered, stroking its head. "The rest of you will warm up to him."Albus said with a smile as Minerva and Severus still stared at the dog skeptical. "What's his name?"Elaysa asked curious, her full attention still on the dog who seemed to be a bit calmer now. "Well, you can chose that. He is yours."Albus said, surprising her deeply as her head shot up at that. "What do you mean?"She asked confused, a frown on her face. "It's a gift."Albus explained but she still seemed confused as all the rest exchanged a gaze for a moment. "It's something you receive from someone else."Minerva explained to the woman. "Why would you do that?"She asked. "Well, sometimes people give each other gifts for their birthdays or other holidays."Albus explained now, sitting back down behind his desk. "What?"She asked, standing back up. "What do you mean?"Minerva asked, making her way towards the woman. "Albus said something but I do not understand. I have never heard of that."She explained softly, to only feel how arms wrapped around her pulling her in a hug. "My dear."Minerva whispered, holding the woman tightly in her arms. "I'm sorry."She whispered, stroking the woman's back as Elaysa stood frozen. What was happening? "What are you doing?"She asked confused as Minerva pulled back. "I'm giving you a hug because I feel sorry for you."Minerva explained carefully, her eyes going back to Albus who was studying the event just like Severus. "Why would you do that?"She asked next, the dog rubbing against her leg. "Out of compassion, my dear."

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