Minerva McGonagall

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Her heart broke when she made her way to the courtyard, knowing what she was about to find there. Not only did it break, to see Albus laying there in the grass but it broke even more knowing what really happened and that in fact, it was not Albus laying there but dear, Elaysa. She had to admit, she had started to care deeply for the woman and Albus warned her to not do that but she couldn't help it. She really couldn't. She took notice of how broken the woman really was and without realizing it, she tried to help her heal in the short amount of time they had together. But only now did she realize that perhaps she was also the one who needed healing. Her wand went up in the air, together with those of students around her and faculty, making the Dark Mark that was in the air slowly dissapear. She noticed the sobs leaving her students as some grasped for another, clutching onto them in need for comfort while their friend patted their back, not knowing what else to do. To be faced with death, leaves you rather unsure how to deal with it. No one is prepared for that and no one really will be. 

The moment she was in between the four walls of her private chambers, she tore down the walls she had built around herself and couldn't hold back the tears streaming down her face. A soft whine came from the dog that was sleeping in front of the fireplace, looking up at the source of the sudden noise as his ears fell flat, slowly inching closer towards her. His wet nose nudged her hand, urging her to find comfort in him as her fingers touched his fur, a sob getting past her lips as she sat down on the armchair close by the fire. "I'm sorry."She whispered to the dog who rested his chin on her leg, looking at her. Did he understand what had happened? Did he understand that his owner was no longer among them? Her thoughts came to an abrupt stop when she only now noticed something hanging on the black collar of the dog. Her fingers grabbed the small piece of parchment, slowly unfolding it. Perhaps he had known...


Dear Minerva,

I have to admit that in those short moments we shared, I've grown rather fond of you and it really hurts me to know there will be no new moments we will share. That there will be no new gossips you will tell me while we take sips from our tea. That there will be no strolls through the castle anymore, to sit on that same bench in the courtyard where we always took a seat to rest. That you won't share another biscuit with me or another laugh. I know, that maybe while you're reading this, you're sad and that I'm the reason that tears may be dripping down this parchment and I wish I could give you a hug and tell you that it's okay. But you know, it's really okay. This is for the best. I always knew that I was destined to die. I just never knew how till now. Is it strange to say it brings me peace? It brings me peace to know it will be not be to support my Father any longer. Far from it, this will not help him in any way and I'm glad about that. 

It brings me peace to know that my sacrifice would mean the world would be a little less dark and the war may be won by the ones who deserve to win it. It brings me peace to know that you will be okay even when it may hurt now. I know, you're gonna be okay. It brings me peace to know that all your students will also be okay because I know how deeply you care about them. They do not deserve this upcoming war. 

I hope you will find a way to manage the hurt I must have put you through right now. I hope you find a way to remember the rather good things about me and I hope that they will bring a smile to your face instead of tears in your eyes. Please, take care of Whisk for me, tell him I love him. And could you maybe look out for Severus for me? I know it's a strange request perhaps but I think he'll gonna need a shoulder to rely on. I think I may have hurt him. So please, be there for him like you were there for me.

I am truely sorry with how our paths have decided to split. But know, I truely cared about you. You're after all my favorite Godmother. 


Elaysa Riddle


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