Before The Fight

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Those who wanted to fight, prepared themselves for a fight. Those who did not wish to partake in it or were too young were brought to the safety of Hogsmeade through the secret tunnels that came to light when Remus and Sirius brought up the Marauders Map, giving them a way to safely and secretly bring students to a safe place where the final battle would not find them. Everyone was preparing themselves. Some weren't even sure for what they were getting ready. But most knew, that this final battle could be the end. The end of the Wizarding War but also their end. It was known that perhaps this was the last time they saw their friends, performed magic. They all knew what could be but chose to stay here and stand strong. 

Professors were helping students prepare, gave them a talk about what could happen, what would happen. They asked whether they still wanted to fight or if they wanted to leave now that they still could. But no one left. All those who said they would fight, stayed to fight. No one truly knew what the outcome would be. Yes, Albus Dumbledore was still with them, he was their secret weapon but would he be able to truly beat He Who Must Not Be Named? Some knew the part their potions master played in it all but none knew the lengths of it. None truly trusted the man they thought was one of the most loyal followers of Voldemort. Perhaps that was the reason he was standing alone, staring out the window, looking in the distance. His thoughts were somewhere else not here with him. Not with anyone. He wondered in his turn where this all would lead him. His betrayal would come to light and mercy was not something the Dark Lord possessed so one could only imagine the punishment that could possibly follow. Yet, he was safe here in the castle. As long as he did not decide to find the Dark Lord himself nothing could truly happen. But he felt the need to do exactly that. Find the Dark Lord. Perhaps he wanted to do that because he was hurt. He lost the love of his life again. And again the blood hung on the hands of the man he had once followed.  So partly it hung on his hands. He did not know why he kept on going. Why he even let someone new in. Neither did he understand why he always lost them the same way. Was he cursed? Was not only the position of professor of the defense against the dark arts cursed but was the position of a deatheater also cursed? Because all those who joined had found love before they came and they came along. But all those who joined without love, did not find a love that stayed. Why was he so drawn to cursed things? She was also cursed and yet he fell in love like a blind man. He tried to stop it, to fight it but he couldn't. Now he was standing here alone...

"You're brooding."A familiar voice spoke as he turned around, finding Minerva next to him, a small smile on her lips. "I am not."He hissed, earning a chuckle from the older witch. "Yes, you are. Don't act like a child and just admit you were brooding."She said back, a pat on his back which she received a glare for. "I just came to warn you."She added when nothing came from him. "Warn me about what?"He asked skeptical, raising an eyebrow."Don't do something stupid because if you do I will  give detention."She answered, a scoff leaving his lips. Was she really threatening him with detention? "You can't give me detention."He remarked as she shrugged her shoulders. "I know but it felt more sophisticated to say it like that than to tell you I would personally kick your butt when you get yourself in trouble."She said causing a smile to form on his lips, the chuckle escaped before he could even stop it. "And don't forget a supply of biscuits that would last me a year as payment for the labour I will have to do for kicking your butt."She added, their heads turned when the sounds of paws hitting the tiles filled the corridor as the familiar black fur joined them. "Aren't you supposed to be with Sirius, Whisk?"Minerva asked, looking down at the dog who simply tilted his head while wagging his tail. "Where is that bloody dog!?" "Did you lose him again?!"Two new pair of footsteps came closer as soon Remus and Sirius joined them, an awkward tension coming in the air. "I'll help you with Whisk, Remus."Minerva said, leading the dog with her as Remus followed a bit unsure, looking back at Sirius who simply shrugged his shoulders, knowing that there always was a reason for the older witch her actions. "So, are you ready to come out as the ultimate traitor?"Sirius asked, trying to act casual as he stood next to his old enemy. A part of him couldn't fully recall why there was this feud between them. "Is that supposed to make me feel better, Black?"Severus asked with cocked eyebrow, turning to the other man. "Just don't let it get to your head, Snive...Severus."He answered, correcting himself from using the nickname he had used in his schoolyears and even after. "Try to not make her betrayal be in vain, Sirius."He said back, a small nod directed at him before walking away. There was this war to fight now. Perhaps after, things could actually change... If he would survive. 

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