The Most Desired Answers

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"Do you wish to serve me, my little snake?"My father asked as I skipped in the room, stopping when he spoke. "I've almost turned completely in a snake, daddy! Wormy says I've been making some progress."I said happily. "I did not ask you that."Father hissed as I quickly lowered my head at that. "I'm sorry, Father."I said as he stood up, his wand in between his fingers. "Who is that?"I asked only now noticing the woman sitting in the corner of the room, sobbing. "A mudblood."Father spatted waving his wand as the woman screamed in pain. "Now, my little snake, I need you to look."He said, turning my head when I looked away from the woman as shivers ran up my spine. "Look in her eyes."He whispered before lowering his wand. "Please, have mercy."The woman pleaded but before anything else could be said, green light shot out of my Father's wand as the woman's eyes turned dull before closing as she fell to the floor. "Daddy..."I whispered, tears almost rolling down my cheeks as I looked up at my Father to only notice his wand was aimed at me now as he muttered a spell under his breath and before I could say something pain filled my body as screams left my lips and the tears rolled down. "DADDY!"


"Albus Dumbledore, never thought I would be able to meet you."I spoke when the door opened as the old wizard stepped inside, not being phased a bit by hearing his name rolling off my lips. "Neither did I think I would meet you, Elaysa Riddle, daughter of Lord Voldemort."He said back, sitting down on the bed I was seated on. "You made a request to talk to me."He said as a sign for me to say whatever I wished to discuss with him as I only held out my hand. "Show me."I muttered, surprising the old wizard. "Show you what?"He asked. "I'm not dumb."I whispered, waiting for a moment to listen if really no one else was nearby as I was sure this conversation should not be heard by anyone else yet, maybe not even leave this room. "Don't you feel it?"I asked, leaning back. "Most people don't pay attention to it, you see. I am not a good person so it only matches who they believe I am. But you, you should be able to feel the difference."I explained. "Don't you?"I asked carefully. "When did you figure it out?"Albus Dumbledore spoke, curiousity in his voice. "I was 9 when he did it. Then I did not realize what had happened, I was woken up by Nagini who told me it was time. I think in the time when my Father was regaining power, I started to realize there was more. I was not just his daughter, you see. I was more. I was his ticket to become immortal. When I offered up my body as a host for him before the potion was ready I felt a sudden power surging through my veins. It was as if my master came home. So I started looking it all up, went back to that memory of 17 years ago to memorize that spell he had said and once I did it, I found it."I explained. "But if you are what you suggest to be, why does he want you dead?"He asked confused. Which I understand, I should be protected not being hunted. "My Father always speaks out of anger first. Can you imagine what kind of impression it must give his followers if he suddenly changes his mind about my fate? My father rather wishes to be feared than anything else. So offering up one little piece of his soul in the process doesn't matter to him. He has others to keep him alive."I answered, sitting back up as I held up my hand once again as a sign for him which he now understood as his hand suddenly rested in mine. My fingers started to slowly trace over his skin, sensing what must have happened to the old wizard. "I can help you."I said softly, my finger resting on the skin that had turned black due to the curse. "But not here."


The old wizard had left a mere seconds ago when the door once again opened and the next person entered the room. "It's been a while since I last saw you."Arthur Weasley spoke and I was sure there was a smile on his lips when I heard the fondness in his voice. "I haven't left since we last saw each other."I said back which caused a sudden tension to hang in the air. "I'm joking."I quickly said, holding up my hands as a  relieved sigh left his lips. "You wanted to see me."He said, sitting down on the bed as I turned my body towards from where his voice came, hoping I was facing him. This was after all my moment, to get answers. 

Answers I never thought I would get in my life. Ones I waited years for. 

"Do you remember when we first met?"I asked carefully. Is it okay to talk about someone's almost death? I had no clue but well I don't have clue about  a lot in social situations... "I do."He said softly obviously thinking back about it. "And I believe I understand now why I'm here."He added and I could feel his eyes on me. "I started working for the Ministry somewhere around 1970. The department where I was employed was rather frowned upon by the others. It did not make me popular by my co-workers, being the new guy in that weird department, you can imagine the conversations behind my back. But than there was this woman, Alexandra Felictos, she was working at the Department of magical law enforcement. I ate my lunch most of the times at my desk till she suddenly popped inside one afternoon, a bright smile on her face as she introduced herself to me. She asked me if I wanted to come along with her to a Muggle Restaurant she was longing for and so were you she had joked, patting her growing belly. It was really strange, to be invited by a witch with such a status to lunch in a muggle restaurant but an offer I could impossible decline so I went along and after that one afternoon, she came by my office everyday, inviting me to different restaurants. When I questioned her about it, she admitted that she enjoyed my company more than those of her colleagues who were in her words all a bunch of arrogant empty heads. Once I declined her lunch offer as I was just married and Molly and I were expecting our first child so I needed to save money but she refused to go without me and decided from that day on to pay for my lunch much to my complaints to which she paid no mind, telling me that was what friends do. I very much enjoyed those moments, talking to her about my family, how it was for me as an upcoming father and so on but we never talked about her life outside of work, which I tried but she managed to always get the attention back on me. A couple of months went by when she suddenly did not come to my office. After weeks of not seeing her I went to her department and that is when I heard it...That she was killed in her home by You Know Who."He said, finishing his story as all the words he had spoken sunk in. "I never knew what happened to her. What happened to her kid, to her family...All they said is that she probably got involved with the wrong people." He added softly as I repeated her name in my head. 

Alexandra Felictos...

Somehow it sounded familiar...It sounded right.

"What did she look like?"I asked curious. "Well, I have said she had your eyes. She also had long wavy blond hair that she mostly held together in a tight bun, she was not tall but neither small something in between."He explained, thinking back. "I think..."I started, a soft smile forming on my lips. 

"I think she was my mother."

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