Sirius Black

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"Minnie! Do what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"Sirius Black asked when she walked inside the living room of Grimmauld's Place slightly unannounced, holding a letter and a package in her hands. "I'm here to give you something."She said with a sad smile, holding up the package as he eyed it curious. He did trust his old professor but he never received anything since he escaped Azkaban afterall he was still a criminal in most people their eyes. "What is it?"He asked as she put it down on the dining table. "It's not up to me to explain it."She said shortly, patting the letter. "But I'm sure it will be explained in this letter."She added, turning around to leave again to only get stopped by her old student. "Is this...Is this about her?"He asked carefully, noticing how her expression changed at the mention of her. "Yes, it is."She answered with a nod before dissapearing, leaving him alone as he decided to open first the package, finding two vials inside it as he studied it carefully, hearing how someone entered the dining room. "What are you doing, Pads?"Remus Lupin asked curious, sitting down next to his friend. "Are those memories?"He asked next, also staring at the vials as Sirius looked up at that. "I don't know, Moony."He muttered confused, opening the letter slowly. "Minnie gave this to me."He added as an explanation before his eyes scanned the letter, hoping to recognize the handwriting but he did not...


Dear Sirius, 

I hope everything found you well and I'm sure you have a lot of questions which I hope I will be able to answer. I know when this letter finds you, it means I have done my part of the war. That I've played my role in this all. I always knew how it was going to end but to realize it while writing this, it's strange. 

We've never really talked and the only memory you have of me, is probably when I saved you in the Ministry or all the trouble I somehow caused, which if I may mention is not really my fault. So I guess this letter must come to a surprise to you. But you see I'm trying to make up for all the pain and sorrows I've caused in my life. I didn't walk the best path in my life. I've hurt people in the process and only lived my life the last months of it. In those months I realized how important some people can be in your life. But I also realized how important freedom can be. I know you have people around you. Some who care deeply about you. But you do not have your freedom. It was taken from you. You had to pay the price for what an old friend of you did. You took the blame for something you did not do. Still you pay the price for it. 

I hope that I can help you get it back. I talked with Albus Dumbledore about this all and he suggests you ask Alastor for help with this all. But I have decided to give you two of my memories. It's not much but it's something. The first memory is of the betrayal of Peter, the moment he gave my Father the hiding place of the Potters. The second one is of a conversation between him and I, a conversation where he explained what happened that night between him and you. How he killed those muggles and made you take the blame. 

I have nothing more to offer you than those memories. But I hope they will help your case. I hope you will finally get the freedom you deserve. That you can live your life. Enjoy it with your friends and with Harry. Live the life you promised the young boy. You both deserve the happiness that the first war and this war has taken away from you two. I hope life will treat you right.

Kind regards, 

Elaysa Riddle


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