In Pure Agony

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A gasp left my lips as I shot up in the bed, throwing the blankets of me as sweat dripped down my forehead. Whisk sat already on the bed with me, nudging his nose against my hands that covered my face as I was breathing rapidly. "It's okay."I whispered as I stroked Whisk who had started barking. "I'm okay."I added softly, pecking him on his head. "Can you help me to the bathroom?"I asked softly as he barked once at that as an answer before jumping off the bed as I carefully slipped out, feeling around till he rested his head against my hand to show me where he was. "Thank you."I whispered softly, following him to the bathroom as I slipped out of my clothes, turning on the water of the shower, waiting till it was hot before I got under it. A soft sigh left my lips once the water fell on me. I got used to the nightmares. I guess it was just a side effect of having to deal with so many cruciatus curses through my life. But tonight the pain was too much. It almost fell as if someone casted it on me again while it was just a dream. Before I knew it, tears started rolling down my cheeks as I sunk to the floor, my legs pulled against me as I sobbed, not realizing how they grew louder and louder. I didn't know what came over me. Suddenly it just became too much and I did not know how to handle it. I did not know what to do and it just felt as if my whole body had stopped functioning and I had no longer any control over it. 

"You're weak, my little snake."

"Shut up!"I yelled loudly, covering my ears as his voice sounded in my head. "I'm not weak, I'm not...I'm not weak..."I whispered under my breath as I started rocking my body. "I'm not...You have no...You have no control here."

"You're no one without me. I made you who you are today, Elaysa."

"Stop."I whimpered, grabbing my hair, pulling at it, not hearing how Whisk was whining, barking for me to notice him, to get out of my head and back to reality but I felt stuck and my Father's voice kept going through my head and I couldn't get him out. It wouldn't stop... I had to make it stop...But how? 

"Come to me and I'll end your suffering."

"STOP!"I screamed as I could hear glass shattering around me as the shower door just broke, glass shards falling around me. Some cut me as they were stuck in my skin while others just covered the ground and the the shower I was sitting in. "Elaysa!"A voice called out but I couldn't hear him. I couldn't get out. "Elaysa."The voice said again as the door of the bathroom flew open. "I can't...I can't...I need to make it stop. Make it stop!"I whimpered, still clutching my hair in my hands. "HELP ME!"

✦(The magic of a p.o.v. switch)✦

The screaming broke the silince quickly followed by barking as Severus shot up in his bed, frantically looking around. Elaysa... He quickly grabbed his cloak, wrapping it around his body before he stormed out of his chambers, making his way to hers, knocking on the door before realizing she would probably not hear it or won't able to respond as he took out his wand. "Alohomora."He whispered as the door unlocked itself. "Elaysa!"He called out, trying to warn her with it that he was entering her chambers. Where was she? 

He stopped in his tracks for a moment, just listening to the noises he could hear as he could hear the shower, giving him a clue where she possibly was. He quickly made his way in her bedroom before going to the bathroom that was connected to it to find Whisk barking loudly, only stopping when he saw Severus. "Good boy."Severus muttered unsure, giving the dog a pat on the head before turning his attention completely on the sobbing woman in the shower. "Elaysa."He tried again, hoping she would react to the sound of his voice but she didn't. What was he supposed to do? He had no bloody clue... "I can't...I can't...I need to make it stop. Make it stop!"She whimpered, pulling harder at her hair as he stepped closer towards her, to hear something breaking under his shoes causing him to look down to only now notice the shards of glass on the floor. "Hey, dog."He said slowly, turning back towards Whisk who looked unsure at everything that was happening. "I need you to get Poppy. Can you do that for me?"He asked, stooping a bit so he was on the same level as the dog who just barked at his request before running out of the bathroom. "Praise Albus for getting that dog."He muttered softly to himself. "HELP ME!"She suddenly yelled as he quickly turned around to look back at her. Her eyes were closed as she rocked her body forth and back, whimpers still leaving her lips. "Hey, Elaysa."He whispered, crossing the room so he stood by her, unsure at what he was supposed to do. "Can you hear me?"He asked, his hand hoovering by her back before getting himself together as he just pulled her body towards him, wrapping his arms around her to hold her tightly. "I've got you."He muttered, feeling her shake in his arms. "You're not alone. I've got you. I'm here."He whispered. Was he trying to soothe her? Or himself? Perhaps the both of them...

"Hello?"Someone called as he looked up at that, quickly taking off his cloak to wrap it around her body, covering her a bit. "Poppy?"He asked just as the witch entered the bathroom, a gasp escaping her lips as he took in the scene in front of her. "Oh dear, what happened?"She asked schocked. Before Severus could blink, Poppy was by his side, scanning Elaysa to take in her injuries and the state she was in. "Do you know what happened, Severus?"She asked softly. She held her wand up, waving it slightly as the cuts started to close itself slowly. "I just found her like this."He answered. "You can go now, I can handle it from here."Poppy said softly, gesturing at the door as Severus stood up, making his way to the door to only stop in his tracks. "Would you mind if I stay?"

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