Permanent Choices

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He had left her in the room in the attic far away from the curiousity of the children. A blessing that Molly decided to leave to Diagon Alley with the boys and Ginny. But now the members of the Order were waiting in the living room, wanting to know how it went, how she is and what will happen. A question only Dumbledore really could answer but he was not even sure that the old wizard knew what to do right now. It's quite a change in how they expected it to go. Sirius would have been killed if it wasn't for her and it is something they acknowledged all. 

"Tell me how is the poor girl?"Molly asked when she entered the living room, worries in her voice for the girl she did not really know yet her motherly instinct just kicked in. "Does she remember what she did?"Sirius asked next not giving Arthur the chance to answer to the question of his wife. "Maybe we should let Arthur catch his breath, I suggest."Albus Dumbledore spoke, holding a cup of tea in his hand. "We didn't have the time to talk. We were really busy trying to get away from all the Deatheaters that were packed in the Ministry. "Arthur explained, sitting down with a sigh. "Maybe someone should talk to her?"



A deep breath in, one out...

"Are you trying to channel me, little snake?"His voice sounded, answering my suspicions. "You know I can easily find you."He said next, sending shivers up my spine, just the thought of what would happen if he did find me. "You won't find me, father."I spoke sternly, sitting up straight. "And what makes you think so? I can see where you are, you know."He said next. "I'll outsmart you."I said, knowing what I was supposed to do. 

"Try me, little snake."He spoke before our connection broke as I opened my eyes, blinking once and twice before standing up. "Elaysa?"A voice spoke, stopping me from reaching my wand. "A minute, please."I said, grabbing it before I would change my mind. Our connection was too strong to risk anything. If I thought it was there, I had to do something about it. And now, there was only one thing I could do. To keep the people that saved me safe. "Elaysa?"A knock followed the voice as I pointed my wand towards my eyes, closing them in anticipation of what was coming. Softly murmuring the spell, feeling a sharp pain in my eyes as I could hear the door opening. A gasp...

"Oh my dear!"A female voice exclaimed as I could feel her hands on my cheeks, wiping something away as I opened my eyes and was met with pure darkness. "I did what had to be done."I muttered, taking a step back so her hands fell off my cheek. "What do you mean?"The woman asked as I tried to find the bed, feeling around me with my hands. "Our connection is too strong. He would have easily found me."I explained before finally sitting down. "So you do something that permanent to keep your father from finding you?"She asked and I could hear the disbelief in her voice. "I didn't do it for me. I did it for you all."

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