A talk with a Friend

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"I had my doubts about your loyalties, Severus. Seems like I was right."I said when I felt him sit down next to me on the bed that was supposed to be mine. "I gave you a reason to have doubts about my loyalties."He said back with a smirk, watching me. "Seems like after all I have followed up your advice. What do you think, does this new path suit me?"I asked jokingly, gesturing around. "Perhaps. Only time will tell."He answered. "Well, please tell me, what made your loyalties change?"I questioned curious, leaning back on my hands. "One of his actions."He answered plainly, poking my curiousity because after all my father did a lot of things that could have been deemed as something bad. But I did not feel like sticking my nose in his bussiness. Well, not yet. 

"So to what do I owe your company, Severus?"I asked. "I came to check on you, Elaysa."He answered plainly with a shrug of his shoulders. "They told you to come check on me, didn't they?"I asked back, raising an eyebrow. "Does it matter?"He asked straight away as I thought about that. "Why you?"I wondered out loud as a chuckle left his lips. "Because they think you will talk to me. After all you thought of me as a..." "A friend, Severus. A friend."I said when he doubted what to call us. Which I understood, I kept quite my distance between everyone but it felt like I had let him get quite close. But maybe it was not that obvious. "I don't know if I can tell you anything they don't know yet. My father stopped trusting me after a while."I answered. "Perhaps you could tell me what you do know."I suggested. "There isn't a lot that we know yet."He answered, looking around the room I was currently staying in for I don't know how long. But it a better option than outside where the chance of me getting killed was big... "Don't tell me my father has not planned anything yet. Or are you scared to tell me, Severus?"I asked. "I'm not afraid to tell you."He quickly said as a snort left my lips. "What is it then that you're not telling me?"I asked curious as his gaze travelled back to me. "It is not something discussed with the Order."He stated calmly. "Hmmm you're plotting something with Dumbledore, aren't you?"I asked before he could tell me more about it. "Draco Malfoy has become a Deatheater."Severus said softly as if he was afraid anyone was listening to their conversation while I was pretty sure no one dared to come close towards the door of the room. After all, I had not seen many people yet and there were no thoughts lingering close by. "To punish Lucius Malfoy for not succeeding in bringing the prophecy to my Father and failing to capture or kill me."I filled in before he could. I knew there would be consequences for some of the Deatheaters that tagged along with that mission. What kind of example would my Father set if he let it go that easily... Not the fearful image he was trying to set.

"He has to kill Albus Dumbledore."Severus said, breaking my thoughts as I just nodded my head. "That boy cannot do that. He does not have the spine for it."I muttered. I did not see him a lot while I was at the Malfoy Manor as he did his best to stay out of the way of everyone and other times he was at Hogwarts. But what I've heard of the boy it was all talk but no action. "I'll have to do it."He said softly, a sigh leaving his lips. "I made an unbreakable vow with his mother to protect her son. And Dumbledore asked me to do it."He added as an explanation. "There must be another way, no?"I asked curious. I did not see Albus Dumbledore as a man who would so simply put his life on the line. Was there more to this story? Something no one else knew... "I don't see one."He answered quickly. "You know my Father fears him the most. If he is out of the picture there will be no stopping him."I stated as he just chuckled at that. "Thank you for stating the obvious."He said clearly irritated as he stood up from his place on the bed, pacing around the room. "Tell me, why is Albus Dumbledore so willingly to die?"I asked, stopping him in his tracks. "A curse."Was all he said before leaving the room as I was once again alone with my thoughts. 

A curse... What kind of curse?

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