Actions Give Punishments

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"You remind me of a woman I once knew.She had the same eyes as you. A kind-hearted woman with the heart on the right place only did she get involved with the wrong people."


His words had been stuck in my head almost like a broken record that kept on playing the same track over and over again.
Was he talking about my mother? Did he know my mother? I should have asked more about her...
I wanted to know more about her. But here I was now, back in Malfoy's Manor, wandering through the corridors without any aim. Maybe my aim was to calm down my thoughts.
"Miss Riddle!"Wormtail said loudly once he found me, quickly standing by my side. "Wormtail."I said with a nod of my head, not really needing his presence right now. "Your father requested your presence by a meeting he just called."He explained, his eyes casted down to the wooden floor. "I'll be there in a minute."


Severus' eyes had been focused on the door ever since the Dark Lord sent Wormtail to fetch his daughter while he could have easily summoned her presence by the use of the Dark Mark that was on her left wrist, making her a part of the Deatheaters. "Where is she?"Lord Voldemort asked when Wormtail entered the room alone. "She's coming, my lord."He quickly answered with a bow of his head. "How come everyone is already present except from her."The Dark Lord hissed, clearly mad about this fact just as the doors opened again as she entered the room.
"You called for me, father."She said, her voice kept monotone without any emotion in it as Severus watched her. Did she really save Arthur Weasley's life and why did she do it?
He couldn't quite comprehend her actions and it made him believe that there was something going on with her, something the Order could use, but only if he managed to become some kind of friends with her. He needed her trust as Albus put it, also having sensed a change in her due to her actions.
"You were not here, my little snake."The Dark Lord spoke, his wand in his hand, slowly turning it around as his pet snake, Nagini rested by his feet,yellow eyes realizing what was about to come next.
"I heard something, Father and wanted to make sure no one was spying."She explained, her head up, trying not to show her fear but Severus could see right through her facade and knew deep down, she was terrified.
"You should have sent someone else."The Dark Lord said before red light shot out of his wand, hitting her right in the chest causing her to fall down to the floor...


His wand slowly moved over her body, soothing down her pained muscles, pulling her attention as her green eyes met his dark ones, staring at him with wonder.
"Try not to move."He whispered, eyes darting to the door as he had made sure everyone had left the room before helping her.
He had watched her get tortured, how she bit her lip to keep in the screams wishing to leave her lips as her father sended more and more pain through her body.
"W...Why are you helping me?"She asked in a whisper, not understanding his action. "I know what you really did, Elaysa."He answered softly, not wanting anyone else to hear it as schock appeared on her face. "How?"She asked in a whisper, sitting slightly up with his help. "I heard Dumbledore discussing it with someone."He explained, not wanting to give away too much and reveal his real intentions. "Do they know it was me?"She asked next. "They have their suspisions."He answered while they knew very well it was her.
"You're going to be fine but I have to leave for Hogwarts."He added, standing up, carefully helping her. "I'll help you to your quarters."He said, an arm around her waist as her arm laid around his shoulder, leading her through the mansion making sure no one came across them, finally reaching her quarters. "Thank you for your help."She said softly, leaning against the door. "It's nothing."He said, walking away from her.
"Severus!"She called out loudly, stopping him in his tracks, turning around to look at her with raised eyebrow.
"Is he okay?"She asked, needing to know it.
"He survived, thanks to you."

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