FireWhiskey and Prospects

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"Daddy!"I yelled, running inside the room to find all the Deatheaters staring at me as my Father paid no attention to me, continuing what he was saying. "Daddy, I'm dying!"I yelled, trying desperately to get his attention as I grabbed his sleeve to only feel how he shook my hand off him. "Deal with her."He hissed, gesturing at me as a sign for just anyone to stand up. "But, Daddy!"I started again to only feel a burning pain on my cheek as a slap echoed through the room. "Get. Out."He hissed through gritted teeth. "My Lord, shall I get my..."Lucius Malfoy started, wanting to get up to only get stopped by my Father who raised a hand. "No. You will not. She is old enough to deal with it herself."He said slowly, waving his hand as I cowered at that, bowing my head. "Now get out."He spatted as I quickly left the room, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was dying and no one was doing anything about it. My eyes went down to find a red spot forming on my pants, a whimper leaving my lips. I was dying...


"Firewhiskey!"I called out, my head moving around to try and hear anything. "Firewhiskey!"I yelled again, patting my leg in hope he would come now to only hear a snort leaving someone's lips. "I'm not sure Firewhiskey is the best name for a dog."Severus spoke amused. "And why not?"I asked with crossed arms just as I could hear running down the hall before I was tackled to the floor by a ball of fur. "You named it after booze."He stated. "Well, everyone said to name it after something I love."I said with a huff, petting Firewhiskey who was now laying on my lap as I sat on the cold floor of the dungeons. "They meant more after someone you love. Something with a meaning."He explained, waving his hands at Firewhiskey, so he would get off my lap before helping me carefully up. "I..."I started. What was I supposed to say? "I love firewhiskey."I muttered softly before I could feel how Firewhiskey put his leash in my hand as a sign that we could get to our chambers, that he would lead the way. "Have you never loved someone?"He asked, walking next to me as I went up the stairs out of the dungeons. "I told you there does not exist something called love."I hissed. Why was it that everyone always came back up with that bloody love thing? There were more important things... Like...

What was now important? I used to always live for power and fear but neither one I had now. "Maybe you should nickname him."Severus suggested, changing the subject, feeling the tension that hung in the air now. "I don't think you can yell firewhiskey through the corridors when there are students around."He explained before I could question it. "There is nothing wrong with saying firewhiskey in the present of children. My Father did it..." "I don't think he is a good example."Severus said, stopping me from finishing my sentence as I frowned at that. Perhaps he was not. But what was a good example than? "Perhaps you could call him Whisk?"Severus suggested, staring down at the black dog who was wagging his tail quickly, its chin held up as its eyes scanned the corridors to make sure they were going the right way. "Whisk..."I repeated, feeling how it rolled off my lips. "I quite like it."I muttered with a nod. "And you can call him Firewhiskey when you're alone or with grown ups."He said back just as we arrived by the door of my chambers as Whisk scratched the door to make sure I knew we were here. "I shall leave you alone now."He stated as I went for the doorknob. "Sure, goodnight, Severus."I muttered, opening the door as I felt his eyes on me. "Goodnight, Elaysa."


"Close your eyes again, dear."Poppy Pomfrey, the matron of Hogwarts, ordered as I did what she said, feeling how her wand moved in front of my face. "You cannot fix it yet."I said softly before she could say something. "And why is that?"She asked curious as my eyes fluttered back open but not much had changed as it was still the same darkness I saw, the same darkness I found the moment the spell slipped past my lips. "It's safe for everyone."I explained, whistling as Whisk came towards me straight away, dropping his leash in my hand. "Don't you miss your sight?"She asked carefully, not wanting to push me too hard but yet very curious about this all. "I miss it everyday."I answered with pure honesty because I did. But I knew why I did what I did. I rather deal with this consequence than all the others that could've happened if I did it differently. 

"When I'm ready for it. Could you fix it than?"I asked curious, needing to know if I was going to be able to see again if everything turned out alright. "With time I could, dear."She answered softly. "Let me know when you're ready for that."She added before leaving me alone as a soft sigh escaped my lips. "Let's go."I whispered, standing up from the bed as Whisk started to lead the way straight away. It was good to know that one day, I would get out of this darkness. Till then, I had to deal with it. I had to accept it. And when the time was there...

I could move on.

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