To Make A Choice

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"We're at the end, you know?"Mother whispered softly as we came back in the Ministry. She took her seat on the edge of the fountain as I stared around, remembering the first time we sat here together. "I know. I figured that much out."I muttered, hearing how a soft chuckle left her lips. "Oh no, angel."She said, gesturing at me to sit down next to her. "You know how people often come to a stop when their roads split and you have to choose which one to take now. This is happening for you now."She explained, resting a hand on my leg. "What do you mean? What am I supposed to choose from? This is the end, isn't it?"I asked confused. "I'll explain it while we make one last stop."She said softly, holding her hand out for me which I took before our surroundings changed again and we were now at Hogwarts, down by the Astronomy Tower, down where I died... 

"You made a choice here."She said softly as we both looked up. "This was one of the choices that changed everything for you. I believe that in this moment, you truely changed."She explained, giving my hand a squeeze. "You went up there with a goal. You wanted everyone you cared for to be safe. You wanted all your friends to be save, Severus to be safe."She added, her eyes looking at me for a moment. "I wanna have you witness something."She said, leading me towards the castle. "You said I have to choose again, but why?"I asked, following her. "You have the choice to end your story or to continue it."She explained, stopping when we reached the Headmaster's office. "And I believe this will help you chose."She added as we were suddenly standing inside the office. A small smile formed on my lips when I noticed Minerva standing by the desk, her back towards us. Albus was standing on the otherside looking down at the same thing Minerva was looking at. "You think it is wise to finally reveal yourself again, Albus?"Minerva asked carefully. "I think it's time to end this all, Minerva."He answered, his head going up when the door opened as something ran inside quickly, jumping against Minerva who softly chuckled before reaching down. "I see you have a lot of energy, darling."She said, petting Whisk behind his ear who wagged happily his tail at that. "And you have a lot less."She added amused as I quickly turned back around to see how Severus entered the office. It felt for a moment how everything stopped in that instance as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Severus, have you slept at all lately?"Minerva asked, worry in her voice. "I slept enough."Was his short reply as he sat down on the chair by the desk as I took in his features. There were obvious bags under his eyes, he seemed to have lost some weight and he seemed even paler than he was before. "Is he alright?"I asked in a whisper. "He has had it rough since you left."Mother explained softly. "There wasn't really anyone around with who he could talk about it except for Minerva and Albus. They are the only ones who know of what really happened. Everyone believes it was Albus who died that night just like the plan was."She added. "I think..."She started, to stop when there was a knock on the door. "Come in."Severus said coldly as the door swung open. "So you decide to finally arr...""Professor Dumbledore?"A surprised voice sounded, interupting Severus as Harry pushed past his godfather staring in surprise at Albus who smiled at the young boy. "How is this possible?"Sirius asked confused, looking at Minerva for help. "Seems like she did not mention it in your letter."She muttered with a sad smile. "I didn't."I muttered, looking back at my mother. "It seemed dangerous."I added. "We'll have to wait for the rest to arrive before I'll explain it."Albus said, sitting down on his chair just as there was another knock on the door and Remus walked inside along with Tonks, Alastor and Kingsley. "Al..." "We'll explain it."Severus said coldly, not wanting to hear more surprise about it all. Soon Molly and Arthur arrived along with Fred, George and another ginger-haired boy well more man, he seemed older than the twins. Not much later came Hermione and Ron. "Bloody hell, are you a ghost, sir?"Ron blurted out once he saw Albus as almost everyone gave him a pointed look. 

"I think it's time we explain everything."Albus said with a chuckle, his eyes going to Severus for a moment. "I was indeed the one you saw dying."He said slowly, looking at everyone in the room. "But someone else took my place."He added as confusion was written on everyone's face till a small gasp left Remus' lips as he figured it out. "She took your place."He whispered in slight disbelief. "Yes, Elaysa took my place."He admitted with a nod of his head. "She took a polyjuice potion and waited for Lord Voldemort at the top of the Astronomy Tower."He added. "But why would she do that?"Harry asked next, looking at Hermione and Ron for a moment. "Because she was one of the things you have been hunting for the last couple of months, Harry."Albus explained. "So she sacrificed herself so we can defeat him."Hermione muttered, understanding it. "And she disguised herself as you, to make him believe he killed his biggest threat."Alastor muttered with a shake of his head. "That was a smart plan."He added softly as if he did not wish to admit it as a chuckle left my lips. "He doesn't like it."I said amused. "We must now face Voldemort one last time and finally end this all for good."Albus said, standing up. "And how are we going to do this?"Kingsley asked curious. "He is making his way here with an army."Severus spoke slowly. "Someone told him Harry was seen in the castle."He added. "So we must prepare ourselves. Bring the students to safety and prepare those who wish to fight."

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