A Mission to Succeed In

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It became pretty obvious who betrayed me by telling my father about my research as Wormtail tried his best to avoid me in every situation. Meanwhile Bellatrix stuck close by my Father's side just as desperate as ever while I stayed behind, trailing in his shadows not wishing to make another wrong move while Severus' words wandered through my mind. Leave... Almost like it was as simple as speaking it out loud while it was not. No, I could not leave like that. I had no place to go to, I had nothing left expect for this place. He could simply go to Hogwarts or home but I, I had nowhere else to go to and nowhere that could keep me safe from the wraith of my Father if I would leave. I had no other choice but than to be here and act like a good daughter and follower even when doubts clouded my mind. I even started considering it but each time I got stuck on the fact that I was a nobody really outside of these walls. 

Perhaps Arthur Weasley would be willing to grant a roof above my head but it will  bring him only in danger and that something I do not wish for him not after I did my best to save him which I still couldn't fully understand. "Miss, your Father asks for your presence."Wormtail spoke, head casted down, afraid to look at me as I stood up from my seat, folding the Daily Prophet that I was reading. "Lead the way."I said coldly, watching him with narrowed eyes as I left my quarters, stopping by the doors of the dining room. He was ready to leave to only get stopped by the tip of my wand that was suddenly pressed against his throat. "You broke my trust, Wormtail."I hissed low as he whimpered afraid of what would happen and afraid because he knew that what he did was a stupid thing to do, especially after the warning I had given him. "I swore I would make you regret that you were born if you did something like this, didn't I?"I asked low, pushing my wand harder against his skin. "I'm sorry! My lord, kept asking about it."Wormtail said, his hands up in defeat as I pulled my wand back. "Next time, I'll get your tongue for it."I hissed in a warning before I opened the door, leaving him there as I joined the conversation my Father was holding with Lucius Malfoy who looked with a smug smile at me as I only threw a glare at him. "You asked for my presence, Father."I said with a small bow of my head as father simply gestured for me to sit down next to him. "It's time to plan our next move, my little snake."He explained, dismissing Lucius as he had done his whole explanation about the plan already to him and he wanted some time with his daughter alone for a moment. "I'm going to let Harry Potter retrieve it himself and hand it to me."He said slowly just as Nagini slid inside, stopping by father's feet as I just stared curious at him. If Harry retrieved it, they could get it but how was he going to do that? "Sorry to question you, father, but how?"I asked, letting my curiousity take it over as he stared at me. "That's my part to worry about. I want you to retrieve it after Harry got it."

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