When Plans Get Revealed

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He did not have a death wish. He was just extremely tired and done with everything involving Voldemort, Potter and even Albus. It was just sufocating how his life had always been about those three and never about what he needed or wanted. He had always lived his life for others and now, he had regrets. If he hadn't, perhaps he could have had enjoyed their time together more. Now they barely had had any time together before she was taken from him. So he was done with it. His mind had been broken, abused and now his heart had gone through the same. Lord, knew he was tired of it. He was tired of pretending, pretending to be on the other side, pretending to hate everyone and like some people, he was tired of acting as if he cared about everything and he was tired of cleaning up anyone's mess like it was his own. He had made mistakes but he was young. Yet, he paid his whole damn life for those mistakes. He had thrown away everything because of those mistakes, he never truly lived because of them. 

So was it wrong that even after Minerva threatened him that she would personally kick his butt that he was walking down to the boathouse, to where the Dark Mark was leading him? Was it wrong that even after making her the promise to live his life, he was probably walking straight to his death? It felt more fair to end this, this way than any other way. He was done with the lies and the acting. So, he was going to where he was being summoned and perhaps he would still try to act and not give anything truly away. He would face Voldemort and greet Death like an old friend... 


She watched him walk away. She saw the way he was walking with determination in his dark eyes, absolutely certain of what he was doing and she knew that gaze. She bloody well knew him too well to not realize he was up to something that he wasn't supposed to be up to. A soft groan left her lips as she attacked another deatheater who tried to attack her from behind before quickly moving away after making sure the situation could be handled without her for a moment. Her heels clicked loudly on the stone path she was walking before it dissapeared suddenly as paws replaced it. She moved through the shadows now, shadowing him without him even realizing she was doing so. She wasn't going to let him do anything stupid. She had told him she would kick his butt if he did something stupid and she did not make statements like that and not coming through with them.

She followd him into the boat house, still no doubt in his mind as she quickly crawled on top of the wooden beams, sitting in the shadows out of sight and soon the familiar sound echoed through the boat house as Voldemort appeared. His bare feet walking around with his pet snake close by. "There seem to be a problem, Severus."He spoke, his finger touching the tip of the Elder wand. He was trying to lure Severus in a trap as if he wouldn't notice it. Even she noticed it and he wasn't talking to her. "What is the problem, my Lord?"Severus asked in his typical monotone voice, not giving anything away while knowing everything or almost everything. "This wand is real."Voldemort spoke slowly, looking at him. "But it's not mine."He added as Severus crossed his arms behind his back. "You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord, in the last few hours alone."Severus said back, he knew the wand was not working. It was a scheme, a wand made to look exactly the same but not be the Elder wand. Only a few members of the Order knew about this. "No, I am extraordinary but the wand is not."Voldemort said, holding the wand tightly before snapping it in two, throwing the pieces away. "This is not the Elder wand."He hissed, taking out another wand, one he probably got from one of the death eaters. "My Lord, I..." "I captured the old fool and he told me."Voldemort spoke, stopping Severus from finishing his sentence. "Do you mean someone replaced them, my Lord?"Severus asked, acting as if he knew of nothing. "It was so well performed. The details that went in it but after reviewing it all, Severus. You made a crucial mistake."He said, stopping in front of him. "You led me to Dumbledore, convinced me to kill him but..."He added, a wicked smile on his lips. "It wasn't him I killed that night, it was someone else I wanted dead."He finished, taking one step back to face him even better. "You truly deceived me, Severus. But there is no way out any longer."Voldemort said as his pet snake, Nagini crawled closer. "I wonder if you ever were my most loyal follower, Severus."He stated, raising his hand as Nagini shot out to only get stopped by a flash of light, something that moved in front of Severus. 

Minerva tried to look better to only feel surprise when a Thestral Patronus stood in front of Severus. How peculiar, she had never seen one  before. It gave her the chance to jump down the wooden beam she was hiding onto, swiftly turning back before her paws had even hit the ground, grabbing Severus' arm as she apparated the both of them out of the boat house just as the Patronus faded. 

She didn't give him the time to collect himself after apparating as she slapped his arm harshly. "You stupid fool, Severus!"She scolded, anger in her eyes as the potion master rubbed the spot she had hit. "He could have seen you..." "I asked you one thing and that was to not do something bloody stupid and what do you do, walk right into the stupid thing I told you not to do!"She said, trying to collect herself and keep her emotions at bay but the fact was that he could have been killed right than if that Patronus had not appeared in front of him. "Minerva..."Severus said slowly, trying to stop her from rambling as he placed two hands firmly on her shoulders. It seemed like there was more he wanted to say yet nothing escaped his lips instead he surprised the old witch by doing something he never really did... He hugged her, holding her tightly as her hands unsure patted his back. She wanted to yell at him more but this action rendered her just completely speecheless. 

"She is back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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