Sooner Or Later

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"Tell me what is it that you seek, Father?"I asked curious, waving my wand as the fireplace lit up. "Power."Was all he said before gesturing with his hand as the fire went back out. "And what after that?"I asked next, frowning slightly. "Nothing. Only power."He answered, standing up from where he sat as he walked towards the door. "And so should you. You should crave power over everything else, my little snake."


"I know nothing more."I hissed irritated, pacing the room as once again another man of the Order questioned me. "We can easily bring you to the Ministry and let them handle you."The man spatted and I could hear his wand tapping against the wooden floor. "Then do so."I growled through gritted teeth. "Alastor, maybe she does not know anything really."A woman spoke carefully. "She is playing with us!"The man called Alastor said angrily before storming out of the room, leaving me alone with the woman. "He is stressed lately."The woman spoke as if to reassure me. "That does not mean he can walk around with a stick far up his bloody ass."I hissed grumpily causing the woman to chuckle. "I'll talk to him. Just don't mind him."She said before leaving the room also, closing the door behind her. 

A huff left my lips as I dropped myself on the bed, rubbing through my hair that was once again black. This was a daily routine really. In the morning someone brought me food and tried to not talk to me yet most failed at that and tried to have a light conversation with me. After that someone else would come up and try to talk with me, thinking I know something I'm not telling them. When I tell them the truth they leave in disbelief. Then once again food got brought and then another person would come and try to make me spill things I obviously did not know, yet they seemed too thickheaded to bloody understand that.

"I guess you had another conversation with Alastor."An amused voice spoke as I just groaned at that. "Obviously."I muttered as Severus sat down beside me on the bed. "Could you possibly get them to understand that I really don't know anything?"I asked, sitting up. "I tried."He answered plainly, his dark eyes watching me. "Tell me, who was the woman who was in this room just a moment ago?"He asked, testing me. "Nymphadora Tonks. But don't you dare to call her Nymphadora."I answered with a shrug. "Quite right."He muttered impressed. "You know you're a very skilled Legilemens."He complimented which made a smile appear on my lips. "Well, thank you for that, Severus."I said with a chuckle, resting a hand on my chest. "I won't compliment you again."He muttered, standing up as I quickly reached for him, grabbing his wrist in my hand. "Could you stay?"I asked softly. "Why do you want me to stay?"He asked confused but nevertheless sitting back down next to me. "It's quite lonely, you know."I explained with a shrug of my shoulders. I could feel his eyes studying me, wondering what was going on inside my head. Oh, how they all wished to know that... 

"Do you think they would ever let me outside for a moment?"I asked curious, leaning back on my hands. "You're not safe out there."He just said as a snort left me lips. "And here I'm slowly turning insane."I muttered and I was sure I heard a chuckle escape his lips. "Your Father has every Deatheater looking for you."He explained. "Yet his most loyal one is holding a conversation with me. Quite funny."I said back. "Aren't you supposed to kill me then? Go on, just two words."I added. Maybe I was really getting done with this. No one seemed to trust me and it was working on my nerves. Not that I could not understand. I did because after all I was his daughter. There must be some evil in me, right? "I'm not going to kill you."He said back with a shake of his head. "Such a pity."I muttered under my breath to feel how the matress moved a bit as he closed the distance between us a bit. "Why are you so keen on getting killed suddenly?"He asked curious. "Because it's going to happen sooner or later. Perhaps just want to get it over with."I answered feeling how he rested a hand on my leg. "I assure you as long as you are here, nothing will happen to you, Elaysa."

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