Curiousity Killed the Snake

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Days passed by, turning soon in weeks and weeks turned in months leaving me rather useless here as the only thing I lately did was wandering around, inspecting every room and dismissing Wormtail everytime he tried to get on good sides with me. Deatheaters came and left my father's quarters all having something to do and here I was then...

I kicked in front of me at nothing when I felt the presence of someone else as I turned around seeing Nagini crawl by leaving me curious as she headed to the doors leaving the house as I couldn't help but transform quickly in my Animagus form, sneakily following her to wherever she was heading. If father would not include me in what was going on, I was simply going to find out and how better than following his pet snake who was clearly up to something. Soon I found myself being in the Ministry going straight to the Department of Mysteries. What was she doing in this bloody place? SHe couldn't be trying to get that prophecy herself...

My thoughts got stopped when I noticed another presence among us. A ginger haired man walked through around the room, clearly guarding the prophecy as Nagini slowly slid closer and closer to the man who did not notice the snake yet but soon he did and that was her sign to attack as she charged towards him, biting him over and over again, blood covering the floor as I sat in the corner seeing the event unfold in front of me, waiting for Nagini to leave again which she did. This all had absolute no point and was just because father was frustrated with the little progress he was making to retrieve the prophecy. My eyes were focused on the man, laying on the floor trying to breathe but it was clear breathing was becoming harder and harder making me wonder when there would be someone to help him and if they would be able to save him. I knew that Nagini's venom would reach his heart pretty soon and once it reached it, it would be over for him.

Everything inside of me screamed to turn around and leave, leaving the man to die alone but there was this voice, this unknown but yet familiar voice commanding me to help him, make sure he would survive. For the weirdest reason in my life I obeyed to this familiar voice and changed quickly, slipping down next to him as his eyes found me. "W-Who are you?"He asked, as I started whispering healing spells which should make Nagini's venom leave his body. Something that would give others time to find him and give him the proper help. "Don't talk."I whispered softly, looking around for a moment. Father would kill me for sure if he found me here. "You remind me of a woman I once knew."He muttered, closing his eyes for a moment to open them again. "She had the same eyes as you. A kind-hearted woman with the heart on the right place only did she get involved with the wrong people."He started explaining, sparking my curiousity with this story. "What happened to her?"I asked curious. "She got killed by You Know Who."He answered before closing his eyes again just as I heard shouting causing me to transform back quickly leaving...


"Lay still, Arthur!"Alastor barked as the ginger-haired man tried to look around him, wanting to find the woman back who helped him but she had just dissapeared. One moment she was seated next to him, casting healing spells and the next moment she vanished once voices sounded. "There...There was someone here."He whispered as Kingsley and Alastor exchanged gazes. "Check everything."Alastor commanded quickly. "Try to find anything that would give us an idea."He added. "I should help, I feel better."Arthur said, sitting up to only get pushed down by Nymphadora. "You've been attacked by Nagini, the more you move, the faster the venom will get to your heart."She explained, taking out her wand. "No...No need for that."He quickly said, pushing her hand down. "I think she got rid of the venom."He explained, pulling Alastor's attention with that statement. "Are you sure about that?"He asked, gesturing at Nymphadora to check the wounds which she did to find them almost completely healed. 

"What did she look like?"Alastor asked carefully as Arthur thought back about the woman, her eyes were the first thing he remembered. "Her eyes they were green."He answered, trying to think about who they reminded him of. "Full of uncertainty."He added, recalling how she had looked around, afraid of something, almost like she was risking something by helping him. "She had long black hair."He finished before realization hit him at who had helped him as he quickly sat up, staring around the room. "What is it, Arthur?"Alastor asked, recognizing the schock on the ginger-haired man's face. "It was her, Alastor."

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