A Childhood Room

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"Do you still remember this place?"Mother asked as I let my finger trail over the black painted wall, slight dust came off it as I blew it away. "It's my old room."I whispered quietly, my eyes going to the small bed that stood in the corner, my gaze went immediately to the ground, remembering the time I thought there was a monster under it and no one believed me except... 

"She believed you when you told her about the monster. Can you remember how she scolded it and told him to stay away from you?"Mother asked as she sat down on the bed, patting it. "She came and tucked you in every night while you waited for your Father."She went on, stroking over the green blanket, a frown upon her face. I carefully sat down next to her. "I wish I could have done that but I'm glad that she was here when I wasn't."She whispered softly as I scanned the room, seeing it now made me notice all the small details that never caught my attention. I stood up as I went to the corner, stroking a finger over a pink dot on the wall. "I had painted it pink first but your Father wanted it black."She explained, shaking her head. "I gave you all the toys a little girl could wish for and he burned them in the fireplace while you had to look."She added, standing back up, opening the wardrobe that stood in the corner of the room. "Do you remember when their was a Boggart in here?"She asked, looking back at me. "Yes, Narcissa got rid off it."I muttered. "Your Father put it there."She said back, shutting it back. "He thought it would make you stronger."She added, shaking her head once again in slight disbelief. "He was a cold and harsh man."She muttered under her breath. "But you once loved him."I said carefully as she sighed at that. "I loved the boy I had met in my first year at Hogwarts. He was full of wonder about the magic that this world contained. But that wonder dissapeared and turned into thirst. Thirst for knowledge, thirst for power."She explained, turning around to look through the room. "He didn't care about anything or anyone else except for gaining all the power there was."She added. "We both were a sacrifice he made for that."She whispered, holding her hand out for me as I took it. "There used to be a pink fluffy carpet right in the middle of the room and I imagined how you would lay on it and stare at the stars that I had conjured on the ceiling. I imagined how we would lay side by side and I would point out all the stars and call them by their names and you would stare at them with the brightest smile on your face."She explained as my eyes went to the ceiling. "Your father took the spell down and threw the carpet out."She added when she noticed my gaze going up. "He thought it would make you weak."She said softly, turning around to look around the room. "I had it all planned, you know. I would read you bedtime stories and tuck you in with a kiss on the forehead. We would go together to Diagon's Alley to get all your school supplies because you were going to attend Hogwarts even if your father did not want that. I was going to love you no matter in which house you would be sorted and write letters to you daily to hear all the stories of how your classes were going and the friends you were making. During the Christmas break you would come home and we would bake cookies together and wrap presents for your friends. You would tell me how school was going while we drank a hot chocolate milk with some whipped cream. And each time you boarded the Hogwarts Express I would cry a little and wave you goodbye, counting the days till you were back with me."She explained, sitting  back down on the small bed as I immediately sat down next to her. "Can you imagine how everything would have been completely different if we did not wander over the path that life had created?"She asked, taking my hand in hers, giving it a soft squeeze. "Perhaps I would have seen you grow old then..."She muttered. "Everything might have been different but would I be who I am now?"I asked back as she looked at me. "Perhaps not."She said softly, lifting my chin up as she studied my face. "But we will never know, my angel."

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