Happy Memories

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To come back from the death. Somehow I had imagined it differently, not that I ever really thought about how it would be like to come back from death. Apart from the worry I felt, afraid to come back without a nose but there was a difference between him and I. But still, I didn't think I would just gasp for air and have sore muscles. I expected something more spectacular than that. Perhaps what would have made it more spectacular would have been a witness who would faint when it happened out of... Fear or disbelief? But no one was around when I gasped for air and my eyes shot open. No, I was in a room with blocked windows, no light shone inside. There weren't even chairs around for anyone to sit in but not that anyone would have wanted to come visit me, I mean, I was dead. I am supposed to be dead. A groan left my lips as I carefully sat up only now realizing that my bones felt like shit which possibly could have come because I may have fallen down from a tower after getting hit with the killing curse and I guess no one wanted to waste a potion on a dead person. Which was totally understandable. No grudge towards whoever looked after the dead bodies. I was way past the point of holding pointless grudges towards people. With just the exception of Bellatrix Lestrange. But that was because of the obvious fact that I got trauma because of her flirting and ass kissing towards my father. 

My wand was resting on the nighttable next to the bed, it almost felt like it woke up with me, waiting with clear anticipation to get used again. God, knew I would need it back and left it closeby. I swung my legs off the bed, wiggling my toes for a moment before standing up, rather unstable but it would have to do for now. Perhaps somewhere I could find a potion of some sort to help with the possible broken bones and sore muscles. My fingers wrapped around my wand, wanting to stuff it in my pocket to realize I was still dressed like Albus Dumbledore which was not quite the look for me. My eyes scanned the room only now noticing potions standing by the door and a piece of parchment. "Lumos."I whispered, giving myself some extra light in the room as I picked up the parchment. 

In case miracles do happen. 

- Albus

I uncorked the potions, not for once doubting his intentions as I swallowed it. I could almost immediately feel how my muscles relaxed and hearing the cracking in my body as my bones connected again and healed themselves again. Seem like he decided to have Severus experiment a bit before dropping the potions in this room. A fresh pair of clothes were resting on a coat rack nearby with another parchment sticking in the pocket of a black cloak. I quickly changed before unfolding the parchment. 

In case you find my clothes less fashionable than I find them myself. 

- Albus

A smile formed on my lips at the little note before I carefully opened the door, not wanting to alert anyone that could be closeby but no one was and I could hear screams and things exploding all around me suddenly. Was it already happening? Was I too late? My feet quickly carried me to the next door, a bigger one now. My main concern was finding Severus and a part of me wasn't sure yet how I would be able to find him in the midst of what sounded chaos. Was there a way that I could...

The Patronus Charm. Albus had explained before rather casually how he had invented a new use for it. A way of communication. I had found it pointless how he explained it in great detail as I would never be able to do it because, I was never able to perform it. But still he took the time to explain it all and the difference for when you used it as a way of communication. Somehow, he knew I would need it one day. But to do so, I had to cast one...

Happy memories, happy memories...

What made me happy? 

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