A Pleasant Morning

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"You're weak."Father spatted through gritted teeth as he watched my cowering body, my breathing coming out shaky as if there was not enough air. As if my lungs couldn't fill themselves and would collapse any minute. "I...Fath..." "Don't speak to me!"He yelled, his wand pointed at me as a look of disgust was in his eyes. "You're a shame, a failure."He hissed. "I will have to punish you for showing weakness."


There was a warmth that engulfed me as I could hear someone breathing slowly. Where was I? Who was with me? What happened? "Hello?"I asked carefully, feeling around the bed when my hand came in contact with a body causing me to frown. I figured out there must be someone else here but who the fuck was laying next to me in my bed and held his/her arm around me, holding me close to his/her body as if he/she was trying to protect me. What on bloody earth happened last night. A grunt came from the lips of the person laying next to me before she/he shot up almost as if she/he suddenly realized what happened. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I must have fallen asleep."He rambled as I recognized his voice, a smile forming on my lips. "Do you care about me, Severus?"I asked amused, turning so I was laying on my side and facing him, hopefully, otherwise it must look so silly... 

"You just gave me quite a scare last night."He muttered softly. How was he going to explain this situation. He really told himself that he would leave before I would wake up and here he was now, in bed with me, with his arm still... He quickly pulled his arm away to only hear a whine leaving my lips as I patted around till I found it again, putting it back around me with a content smile. "I don't know that. But..."I started, thinking about what I wanted to say. "I'm happy you stayed."I added softly as if I wished he wouldn't be able to hear it. Why did I even say it than? A chuckle left his lips now as he seemed to relax slightly at that. "Here I thought you would find it creepy."He said as I couldn't help but to laugh at that. "Maybe I think that but I also find it quite adorable. The big bad cold Professor Snape, laying in bed with me...Well, cuddling me."I said back, trailing a finger up and down his arm. "If you ever dare to speak about this..."He warned causing me to snort. "What are you going to do? Tickle me to death?"I asked amused. "Perhaps."He answered softly as his fingers found my arm, trailing over my skin bringing goosebumps to it. "I'm bloody scared now, Sev."I said back to only feel how his fingers stopped tracing my arm suddenly. "What did you call me?"He asked in a whisper. Did I say something wrong? It just slipped out...Bloody hell, why didn't I think more during mornings? "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that... I mean I wasn't really thinking about..."I started to only feel a finger against my lips, stopping me from finishing my sentence. "It's alright. I just didn't expect it."He explained, pulling his finger back. "I won't say..." "No, you can."He quickly said, interrupting me again. "I liked it."He added softly as I smiled at that. "Okay, Sev."


"Severus."Albus said, greeting the potions master as he entered the headmaster's office. "You wished to see me, Albus."Severus spoke with a soft bow of the head, a couple of strands falling in front of his face at that. "I wanted to talk to you about last night. Poppy told me you were there."The headmaster explained already making his way to the pensieve, showing what he wanted. He did not want Severus to just tell him what happened. He wanted him to show it and now that Severus was thinking about it, he wasn't sure he wanted to show that memory to anyone really. His mask broke that night and he couldn't act as if he did not care. Oh, he absolutely did not act like he cared. Maybe perhaps Poppy had already told the headmaster about it but maybe she did not because she respected him and his clear need of separation between his feelings and all the rest. Really, he did not like to show his feelings and letting that memory go, would mean letting his feelings out. He was still refusing what he was feeling and opted for ignoring it but knowing the old wizard that was looking at him with those twinkles in his blue eyes, he knew that once Albus realized Severus' feelings, he wouldn't let it go that easily. That old man was a sucker for these things. 

"You seem not sure about it, Severus. Did there happen something?"Albus asked curious, studying the potions master who tensed up at that. "I like to explain it but I'm not thrilling to show you my memory. I'm not sure she would want others to see her in that state."He explained slowly as the headmaster just stirred the pensieve with his wand at that. "I need to see it to understand what happened. If I understand what happened, I can help her. Don't you want me to help her, Severus?"He asked back, raising an eyebrow as Severus huffed at that. "It seems to me that you already made up your mind that you want that memory. If I don't give it to you...Than you'll ask Poppy, won't you?"Severus asked back also raising an eyebrow as the old wizard chuckled at that. "I'm quite stubborn, I'll admit."He said with a smile. "But if you give me a good reason why I shouldn't see it. Than I will not ask for that memory again."He added, looking at Severus from over his glasses. Severus grunted at that, knowing he had no choice. If he gave Albus a reason why he couldn't see that memory, he had to admit his feelings and the fact that he went soft which he did not want to say. But if Albus saw the memory than he would figure it out and mention it... But it didn't necessarily meant he had to say it. 

"Fine."He hissed, holding his wand against his head. His eyes closed for a moment, thinking back about that night and when he pulled his wand back, a shining blue string was attached to it as he dropped it in the pensieve. "Go ahead and look."

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