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It's ridiculous how sentimental I'm getting but I can't lose you, Elaysa."Severus whispered as he cupped my face in his hands finally meeting my real eyes as I could see his for the last time, remembering how I could often lose myself in those.  "It's gonna be okay, Severus."I whispered back, a sad smile on my lips as I rested my hands on top off his. "I'll always be with you."I added, placing a soft kiss on his lips, tasting the salt of my own tears. "You know it's crazy. I thought I was doomed to a life in which I would never find love. In which I would never find something worth dying for." I said softly, reaching out to touch his cheek. " 'Till you came, Severus. You gave me hope. You made my heart beat for the first time in my existence. It beat for you and when it beats for the last time it will be for you. To know all the sacrificies you've made were not in vain. To know you'll live in a world that is worth living in."I explained, making small circles on his cheek with my thumb as he leant into my touch. 

"How can this world be worth living in if you're not there with me?"He asked back. "But I'll always be with you, my love. In there you'll carry me."I answered, pointing at his heart as my hand rested there for a moment, feeling the fabric of his robe. "You know I love you, Elaysa Riddle."He whispered as I took a step back, holding the vial tightly in my hands. "And I love you, Severus Tobias Snape."I said back before drinking the potion. "Promise me you'll live your life as if I never left."I said softly, feeling how my body started to change. "I promise, my darling."He said back with a nod as I changed completely, looking down at the wrinkles on my hand. "It's time for you to go, my dear."Albus Dumbledore spoke as he looked at me. "Goodbye."I whispered before leaving his office, leaving Severus behind. 

It's strange to know when you're going to die. Somehow your body is still functioning, carrying you to your doom as you're ready to face it. Your whole life you live never thinking about this day till that day is there. And now suddenly you begin to wonder and think.

 Have I lived my life? 

Did I do something good in my life?

Will I be missed?

Well, I have not fully lived my life till only months ago. Yet then I was prepared to die today. I did a lot of bad things in my life but I turned it around eventually. Maybe that what I'm about to do will be enough to wipe some of the bad things I did away. It may not erase it but perhaps people will see the good in me now. I thought I wouldn't be missed when I would watch the world for the last time. When I would take in all the colours of it before it would turn pitch black. 

But now, I know I'll be missed.

I'll be missed by Arthur Weasley who thanked his life to me.

I'll be missed by Molly Weasley, for I was the one who saved her husband. 

I'll be missed by Minerva McGonagall with who I shared biscuits as we drank tea and talked about life. 

I'll be missed by Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, to who I was a real pain in the arse. 

I'll be missed by Albus Dumbledore as I took the weight of the world off his shoulders and faced it instead of him. 

I'll be missed by Remus Lupin, who often came to my chambers for small talk. 

I'll be missed by Sirius Black, who loved the trouble I caused. 

I'll be missed by Narcissa Malfoy, to who I was a daughter.

And I'll be missed by Severus Snape, whose heart managed to wake up my sleeping one. 

The thing is, I'll miss them to... But I'm doing this for them. To make sure, they'll get the life they should have lived from the start. A life where there is no war. Where there is no darkness that is threatening to swallow all the light. I hope they'll find happiness...


"Professor Dumbledore!"Harry Potter spoke as he came from the shadows, stopping me from climbing up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower. "I think they're getting in here."He whispered, looking around as if at any moment Death eaters would ambush us. "It's gonna be okay, my boy. It's gonna be just okay."I said back with a small smile as I started to climb up the stairs to only get stopped once again by Harry who called out for me again. "Yes, Harry?"I asked, turning around to look down at him. "How do you know this for sure, sir?"He asked curious. "Because in the end it will always be okay. Always."I answered as I went up the stairs, leaving the boy behind. 

My hands held the railing tight as I looked over the grounds of Hogwarts, taking in all the details for the first time ever. It was truely beautiful... Such a pity I never had the change to really discover its secrets. "So you have come to die, old man?"An all too familiar voice spoke as I turned around, facing my father. "And I see you've come to do it, Tom."I said back with a nod, holding my hands in front of me. "I can't let a young boy get the honour of killing the so called most powerful wizard."Father spoke with a scowl. "So do you have any last words, old man?"He asked, turning around his wand in his hand as Bellatrix appeared next to him. "It's finally going to happen, my lord."She whispered excited. "Farewell, Tom."I said just as the green light shot out of his wand, hitting me square in the chest as I stumbled backwards, falling down the Astronomy Tower.... 

And then...There was nothing.

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