On The Run

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Deep breath in...

"Crinus Muto."I whispered, watching how my black locks turned into blond ones before I put my wand against my hair, whispering the incanation as locks fell to the floor. "It's gonna be okay."I whispered, staring at my reflection. A girl with short blond hair and green eyes staring back at me. "He won't find me."I muttered as I wrapped the cloak around my shoulders that I stole from a store before leaving the bathrooms of the Ministry, eyes down to the floor as I walked through the crowd. I was sure someone would be looking for me here. Probably Malfoy if I would take a guess. Father himself wouldn't step a foot outside. Not yet. 

"Daily Prophet!"A young boy yelled, holding the newspaper up as people stopped there all taking one before moving on. I should have had a plan for when this day would happen. But I did not think this day would ever happen and now I was probably walking my last hours on this world because once I will be found they will kill me and I will end up being no one. "He Who Must Not Be Named is back!"The young boy yelled making me stop in my tracks as I turned around. "Can I have one, please?"I asked, holding some money out for him in exchange for a Daily Prophet as he handed it to me, slipping the money in his pocket as I opened the newspaper, finding my Father on picture in the paper just as the young boy called as I studied my surroundings noticing it was here the picture was taken before my eyes fell on blond locks that swiftly moved through the crowd.


I dropped the paper as I walked the opposite direction, hoping to not be noticed before a hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me. "Follow me."The man said that was hidden behind his cloak as I just did what he told me not knowing what else to do as we moved through corridors. Was this how I was going to die, trusting a complete stranger? I held my wand tightly in my pocket as I pulled my wrist free. "Revelio!"I casted as the hood fell back to find a familiar face. "You..."I whispered in disbelief as he just grabbed my wrist back. "We have to continue."He said, pulling me further. "Arthur, what are you doing here?"A familiar voice asked. "Run."He whispered as I started running. "Stupefy!" "Protecto."I dodged the spell quickly, turning a corner. This was how I imagined my escape to be. "If you surrender he may show mercy!"Lucius yelled, running after us. "Left!"Arthur yelled as I turned another corner. "Don't be stupid, Lucius!"I yelled back, turning around. "Petrificus Totalus!"I yelled quickly causing him to freeze and fall to the ground. "We have to be quick, Elaysa."Arthur whispered, looking around. "He will have more men on the look out for you."He added. "No wait!"I said, stooping down by Lucius. "Obliviate."I whispered before following Arthur. Did he know what he was risking? 

"You shouldn't be helping me."I muttered, shaking my head. "Dumbledore asked me to."He answered, looking from behind the corner before continuing. "He did?"I asked surprised. Who wouldn't be surprised. My father wants to kill me and his enemy wants me alive. Such a strange world... "Yeah, it was an urgent matter."He explained as we came outside, surrounded by Muggles. "We're gonna apparate." He said, holding out his arm as I took it, wondering where on earth we were going...

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