The Start of A Plan

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"Absolutely not!"Alastor Moody said loudly, slamming his hand down on the table, startling Molly who was just pouring some coffee in a mug causing her to glare at the man. "We cannot keep her here forever."Albus Dumbledore spoke sternly, giving a smile to Molly as she put the mug down in front of him. "Why do you want her at Hogwarts now? Won't it be dangerous?"Remus Lupin asked. Perhaps she could indeed not stay here forever but shouldn't they look for another option? Wasn't it dangerous to keep her so close to all the students there? What if You Know Who found that out and sent all his followers there? It would put everyone in great danger... "It may indeed be dangerous but we won't do it without the right measures."Albus spoke, gesturing towards Minerva McGonagall who just nodded her head, already having heard of the plan before the rest of the Order. It may be dangerous indeed but she wouldn't do anything that would put their students in danger and the others knew this as well. "If Minnie is in than so am I."Sirius Black spoke, flashing a smile at his old professor. "So what is the plan?"


"Hello, my dear." A kind voice spoke as the door opened of the room, hearing the clear heels of woman shoes that made their way towards me, sitting down on the bed next to me with no safe distance between us. Wasn't she afraid? A confused expression must have been visible on myy face as she placed a hand on my leg. "We will need to get to know each other pretty well."The woman said and I could feel her eyes studying me. "Why is that?"I asked curious as she patted my leg at that. "We will be family."She answered, going straight to the point which I quite appreciated. "You will be my goddaughter, a daughter of an old friend of mine. You became intrested in teaching and asked me if I could take you under my wing as an assistant which I as your godmother accepted straight away. So now, you'll be spending the following schoolyear by my side in Hogwarts."She explained to me. Was I going to Hogwarts? 

I always wondered how that castle would be. Would it feel as if I was closer with my mother back there or not because after all she studied there. Maybe I could find a connection there with her. Maybe...

"And how will you all fool my Father and his followers. I believe Draco Malfoy is a student there and I may have not seen him a lot but we have met. The chance that he will recognize me is quite big."I said back. "Well, I'm the Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts, dear. If I can't make you look different than no one else can."She stated as she stood up. "Are you ready for this?"She asked, needing to know if this was really what I wanted to do. Did she know the whole plan or was that something between Albus Dumbledore and I? Did anyone else know? "As ready as I'll ever be."


"Do you realize how dangerous this can be!"Severus Snape said irritated as he paced around his office in Hogwarts, having just received the news about the new plan. "She is willing to do this, Severus."The old wizard spoke, watching the black-haired man in curiousity. "She shouldn't be."He muttered with a shake of his head. "Don't tell me you've grown to care for her, Severus."Albus said, standing up from his seat. "Don't say such a foolish thing."Severus spatted straight away. He did not care about her! Absolutely not...

"You know, it's okay to care."Albus said carefully to only receive a glare from the potions master. "Stop suggesting that I care."He hissed irritated, waving his wand as the door swung open, a sign that this conversation had come to an end. "Shouldn't it be time to let your walls down, my friend?"Albus asked, slowly going towards the door as he stopped by it. "It's time to stop dwelling in the past and live in the present."With these words the old wizard left Severus Snape's office to leave him to think about these words.

He was not dwelling in the past. Or perhaps he was but why should he live in the present when the future was uncertain and possibly dark. He knew what was going to come and he did not want to pull anyone along in this all. Even if he did such a thing as care, it was no one's bussiness. But he did not care, obviously! 

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