Stupid Requests, Or Maybe Not?

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"Father, I am scared."I whispered as he stared down at my younger self with slight disgust. "Such a foolish thing to be."He hissed irritated, turning around. "But there is..." "Don't speak!"He yelled loudly, glaring down at me. "Grow up."He whispered, venom dripping off his voice as he walked out of my bedroom, Nagini staying behind. "Father, does love me, doesn't he?"I whispered, staring at the snake on the floor who just left at that, leaving me alone as darkness once engulfed me again. "Father, told me to grow up."I whispered, pulling the blankets over my head. "Grow up."


How do you break a connection? I had no bloody idea and I was really breaking my mind over it. How did it even happen? Was it when I offered my body as a host for him when he had no body yet? Or was it because his genes ran through my veins? A groan left my lips as I rubbed my temples. I really had to figure this out... Or...No, he wouldn't. Would he? 

"You seem conflicted."A voice spoke, a cold one but if you really paid attention than you could find some small emotions in them. Not that the person to who this voice belonged to would ever admit this. He would probably call it a foolish thing and leave with a swish of his black cape. A chuckle left my lips. "What is so funny?"He asked slowly as he closed the door behind him. "You're funny, Severus."I answered, hearing how a huff left his lips. "I am not such a foolish thing!"He exclaimed which ended with me laughing only harder. "Oh I forgot you're the coldhearted potion master of Hogwarts, school for witchcraft and wizardry. And Severus Snape is no such thing as funny. He is a stern and feared man."I said back amused, a smirk on my lips. "If you're going to be like this, I am leaving."He hissed, his footsteps going towards the door as I raised my hands quickly. "Forgive me for teasing you, Severus. I did not know it could kill someone."I said, trying my best to keep the smirk off my face but it was proving to be quite difficult. "Insolent girl..."He muttered under his breath but it seemed as if he was no longer heading for the door as his footsteps had stopped. 

"What was on your mind previous?"He asked, desperate to change the subject. "Do you think I could speak to some people...personally?"I asked, not answering his questions. "Depends who those people are."He answered confused as I bit my lip softly. I wanted a lot of answers and I knew those answers only some could give me. But then again, I was not sure they would allow me to speak to the people I had in mind. I was pretty sure that grumpy man called Alastor Moody would be against it. Actually quite a fitting name for that man now that I think about it. He is kinda moody. "Who do you want to speak to?"He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Only 2 people."I answered plainly, looking in the direction from where his voice came. "Yes?"He asked, urging me to say their names. "I would like to talk to Arthur Weasley."I answered and I was trying my best to not show how nervous I was feeling about this all. What if they would not talk to me? What was I going to do then? "And the other one?"

"Albus Dumbledore."


"Over my dead body!"Alastor Moody exclaimed loudly, shaking his head. "Well, looking at how things are going that could be pretty soon."Sirius Black said irritated, putting the Daily Prophet down, wondering why he was still reading this. "Why should we allow it! She has had enough people to talk to!"Alastor said grumpily. "But not the ones she requested to speak to."Severus Snape spoke plainly with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm not going to listen to her requests!"Alastor hissed, pacing the room which earned him some irritated glances from some of the members of the Order. "I think the people she requests to speak to should decide whether they want to speak to her or not."Remus Lupin said, picking up the Daily Prophet that Sirius Black had put down, to look at the news but to also avoid the glare he received from Alastor. "I agree with that."Sirius quickly said, choosing sides with his best friend. "Arthur, do you wish to speak with her?"Severus Snape asked, looking at the ginger-haired man who did not need to think twice about that before answering. "Yes."The words filled the room as Alastor huffed at that once again shaking his head. "What about you? You must find this a stupid idea!"Alastor said, looking at Albus Dumbledore who sat at the dining table, wondering why she wanted to talk to him but also curious. So maybe he did not find this such a crazy thing. Oh no, he did not. Actually he was waiting for this moment. The moment she would request to talk to him and now here it was. So obviously he was going to grab it with both his hands.

"I think it's an excellent idea!"

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