Strange Feelings

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"What is a good age to bear children?"Father asked as Narcissa Malfoy froze at that for a moment, her eyes going to the door, knowing all too well who was hiding behind the closed door, eavesdropping. "My lord, it depends."She started unsure. Where was he going with this? He couldn't possibly be thinking about... "Is 25 a good age?"He asked next not even looking at her as she wished for anyone to come through those closed doors and put an end to this conversation. She wanted to question this but Merlin knew she could not. Just as if the Gods had heard her prayers the door swung open as the woman eavesdropping decided to end this conversation. "Father, almost everyone is ready for the meeting."The black-haired woman said with a bow of her head, her eyes going to Narcissa for a moment. "Inform everyone the meeting will start in five minutes, my little snake."Father said with a wave of his hand as she nodded her head at that, leaving the room. "You're dismissed."He added as a sign for the other woman to also leave the room. Just as the doors shut she felt how hands wrapped around her wrist, pulling her in an empty corridor. "You cannot speak about this to anyone."Elaysa whispered almost begged. Her eyes often darted back from where they came. "You know what he wants."Narcissa whispered as the woman nodded her head softly. "You need to help me...I can't, I can't do that."She pleaded. "I won't let him do that to you."


My fingers tapped against the desk I was sitting behind, contemplating what to do next. I had a whole list of tasks I needed to get done but yet I stayed seated behind the wooden desk, Whisk laying by the fireplace as the raindrops made soft tapping noises against the window, making me wonder what scenario I could see if I looked through it. Perhaps one day, I would know... My fingers trailed over the desk till they made contact with my wand as I took it between my fingers, slowly turning it around. The thing was I needed to ask someone to help me and I was not very keen on that. I was not even sure, I could talk with anyone about it. So, I was left with my own thoughts and wondered who would know about this whole deal going on. Did anyone know why on earth I even was here at Hogwarts or did that old wizard not inform anyone about it? He did seem like someone who would keep secrets. But he couldn't have convinced the other members of the Order to just let me come to Hogwarts without an explanation. So what was his explanation? 

A knock sounded on the door as a hum left my lips as a sign for whoever was on the otherside of the door to enter. "I have not seen you leave your chambers the last couple of days."Severus spoke when he entered the room as I raised an eyebrow at that, turning a bit in my seat. "Are you watching me, Severus?"I asked amused, hearing how a huff left his lips. "Don't be a fool."He muttered, closing the door behind him. "Oh sad, I really thought I had someone caring about me for a moment."I stated with a pout to hear a chuckle leaving the man's lips. I could feel him moving closer towards me till he stood behind me, his hands resting on the back of the chair I was sitting on. "What was keeping you so busy?"He asked curious as I leant back. "Questions and worries."I answered with a shrug. Was it weird that I wished his hands were on my shoulder and not on the chair? Strange... "Care to enlighten me?"He said back, clear intrest in his voice. "Only if you tell me how much you know."I said quickly, putting down my wand. "Know about?"He repeated, his fingers drumming against the chair. "What has been told to you about my stay here?"I explained, tilting my head up in hope I was sort of facing him. Would he be looking down on me now? Did his eyes still look the same? 

(The magic of a p.o.v. switch)

"Albus told me you were going to help him with the curse that affects him."Severus spoke slowly as his eyes studied her face for a moment, not feeling ashamed to do so as she could not catch him doing it. He had been studying her quite often lately, wondering what was going on with her. To him it felt like she was always deep in thoughts about something or perhaps there were just dozens of things going on in her head. "Did he tell everyone about it?"She asked as he wanted to shake his head to only remind himself she could not see it. "He has not."He answered, his hands tingled and he was doing his best to get this feeling out of them by drumming his fingers against the chair but it almost felt as if they were longing for something else. "Pity."She muttered softly, a sigh leaving her lips as his eyes darted down to them, noticing how she had been chewing her lip as teeth marks were visible on them, not that obvious but now that he was looking at them, he could see it. "Now, what is going on with you?"He asked curious and he couldn't help himself from moving his hands from the chair to her shoulders feeling how she tensed up at that and just when he wanted to move his hands away, he could feel her relax under his touch. "I think I need your help with some stuff."She explained softly, leaning back. "Is the mighty Elaysa, asking for my help?"He asked amused to hear how she huffed at that. "Don't make me regret it, Severus."She muttered as a chuckle escaped his lips. "With what can I possibly help you?"He asked curious. "I need to brew a potion but I kind of realized I can't in my current situation."She explained, her hand going up to cover his as he looked down at their hands. He couldn't recall a moment where they had shared a touch like this. Did they ever before? No, not really... Was it strange that he did not mind the feeling of her skin on his? Perhaps. But in this moment, he simply did not care. So he enjoyed the warmth her hand brought, he enjoyed the feeling of her thumb tracing over the back of his hand. "Well, you're indeed not in the right condition."He said back softly. "And I feel as if the potion you have in mind is a highly advanced one."He added as a laugh escaped her lips. "I only aim for the advanced stuff."

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