More Than Just Friends

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"Severus!"I called out, knocking rather harshly on the door of his chambers but in my defense I had been knocking on that door for almost 30 minutes and I was hoping Whisk had led me to the right door. "Sev, are..." "Elaysa?"He asked surprised as my head turned around at that. His door was still closed which meant he simply was not in his chambers. "What are you doing here?"He asked curious as he made his way towards me, unlocking his door quickly. "I...just..."I started, stumbling over my words. Why was I here? One moment I was having a chat with Minerva and the other moment I was making my way through the castle trying to find his chambers. "Are you nervous?"He asked surprised as I just huffed at that. "Don't be stupid."I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest causing him to chuckle. "No need to be ashamed about it."He said, resting a hand on my back to lead me inside his chambers. "Now, why were you knocking on my door as if someone would have murdered you any moment?"He asked softly as he helped me sit down on the couch in his chambers before taking the spot next to me, surprising me slightly as he often went for the armchair. "I just wanted to see you."I answered in a mutter, fidgeting with my hands. Was I nervous?  No, I wasn't... Stupid, bloody stupid. 

"Well, here I am."He said amused. "I notice."I threw back with yet another huff which seemed to only amuse him more. "Are you going to tell me why you are really here?"He asked carefully. But I... Something just led me here and I couldn't explain it. I just had the urge to see him after my conversation with Minerva. Did I need to see if there was something different between us? Something I always overlooked? "What was your first memory of me?"I asked in a whisper. "I'll answer it. But you have to promise me to tell your first memory of me than."He said, holding out his hand as I shook it as a deal, ignoring the spark that went through my body when my skin met his. Just the cold probably...

"It was a meeting with all the death eaters at Malfoy Manor, I can't quite recall about what it was but I just remember that I wanted to leave that room and return here. I was dreading every minute that passed by when suddenly the doors flew open and in you walked. You held your chin up high as if no one could bring you down. Your green eyes sparked as the fire in the fireplace reflected in them and your black hair was held together in a bun, some strands had escaped and you often pushed some of them behind your ear as you talked to your Father. I was mesmerized by your presence and how you seemed to not care about everyone else in the room. Than your Father introduced you to us as his daughter. Your eyes scanned every death eater and I was waiting for the moment our eyes would meet and than they did...And it felt as if suddenly there was no air left in the room as your eyes held mine. You were quite amused by how my walls crumbled down when your eyes scanned my body, taking in my appearance. The left corner of your mouth raised a bit as you smirked at me before turning your attention back on your Father and than you left the room once again. It took me weeks almost a month to get over that first meeting but I wanted to see you more after that. I was curious."He explained, letting down his guards as he was just honest with me as I just smiled at that, remembering it. 

"Now, what was yours?"He asked curious as I laughed a bit nervous at that. "It was not that one."I muttered, scratching the back of my head. "Now I'm curious, Elaysa."He said, urging me a bit to tell him it as I sighed. Maybe it was only fair to him if I was as open as he just was. "It was, I think a week before that meeting you talked about. I liked to sit on the window sill in my chambers and watch the gardens and that is when you entered the gate. You flicked your wand effortlessly causing the gates to swing open as you entered. I remember how you carried yourself with such grace and how determined you looked. When you were almost by the frontdoor I raced down the stairs, waiting behind a wall to watch how you entered, paying no attention to the other death eaters and you just dissapeared in the dining room. That was the moment I decided I had to come up with a plan to interrupt one of the meetings and catch sight of you again."I explained, biting my fingernail to feel how he took my hand in his, pulling my nail away from my lips. "You risked a punishment just to see me again?"He asked softly. "Well, kind of..."I muttered with a chuckle as his finger found my chin, turning my head a bit as my breath seemed to get stuck somewhere in my throat. Why was my heart beating this crazy suddenly? Was I sweating? Oh bloody hell, did I look okay? Why does that matter? Wait, does it matter... 

"Sev..."I started to only be stopped by a finger on my lips, shushing me. "I'm going to do something."He whispered, his finger leaving my lips. "Are you okay with that?"He asked carefully and I could feel his eyes on my face. Suddenly it felt as if I could no longer speak. No words could get past my lips. So, I simply nodded as an answer, wondering what was going to happen next. But before I could think too much about it and worry, it happened. His lips found mine and it was almost as if thousands fireworks exploded in me as his lips moved over mine carefully. His forehead rested against mine when he pulled back. "I'm sorry I just had to..."He started and this time I shushed him by placing my lips onto his again. "It's okay."I whispered against his lips, a smile forming on mine. "I think I feel more for you than what friends feel for each other, Severus."

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