The Girl Who Hid

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"you're my biggest weakness but also my biggest strength."


"How long has it been, my little snake?"Father asked, his eyes not directed on me but his voice was. "25 years, father."I answered, keeping my voice steady as I watched his pet snake, Nagini crawl over the table, the snake who helped me to stay hidden. From a young age, my father made sure I had a way of escaping when things would go downhill, being prepared on every possible outcome he had called it then. Not that he then would have thought that his plan would have failed and his own curse would have backfired. But he wanted to guarantee that his biggest secret and his strength would have been hidden away when the time had come. One of his loyal servants was cut for that part. Peter Pettigrew, a unregistered Animagus. If that man was able to get through the process of becoming an Animagi than so would his little girl.

My age had been first a negative factor, making it utterly impossible to get me through the process but each time they failed it fueled the little girl to achieve better and try again. After several attempts the process had been completed and I was able to transform into a black snake. The perfect way to hide. He wouldn't be able to protect me then but his loyal pet snake, Nagini would be able then to keep me safe which she did till we heard rumors about my father regaining his power and once we found him, I agreed to be a host body till all the ingredients had been gathered and the potion could be made.

"You know there is something I need, my little snake."He murmured, stroking Nagini as his eyes were focused on the wall, clearly in deep thoughts about this thing. "What is it, father?"I asked curious perhaps he was mentioning this thing so I would be able to help him again and show him that I was not useless on the moment. Maybe I myself was regaining full power after remaining in my Animagus form for so long. My bones were still regrowing slowly, getting stronger but leaving me rather flexibel which I did not see as a bad part honestly. It gave me the possibility to get out of nasty situations thanks due it. "There is this prophecy which predict my fall."He explained, his eyes now resting on me. "I need it."He added quietly as I nodded my head at that. "Do I need to get it?"I asked sitting a bit straighter to only see how he shook his head at that. "I need you to find someone who can get it for me."He answered. "I don't want you to get in trouble, not yet."He added before waving his hand. "Now make someone get that prophecy for me."He ordered as I nodded my head at that, raising to my feet quickly. "I shall see to it, father."I said softly, bowing my head before leaving the room. "Miss Riddle!"Wormtail's voice sounded and soon the loyal but desperate servant of my father was at my side. "Can I help you?"He asked hopeful to be useful as my eyes moved to his metal hand. "Fetch me Malfoy, will you?"I asked with a raised eyebrow as he immediately dissapeared again, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

If I needed someone to get into the Ministry itself it would be useful to use someone who works at the Ministry and who else was better cut for that than Lucius Malfoy. No one at the Ministry thought that my father had returned which gave us the perfect way to get away with everything and no one who would question anything. "You asked for me."A smooth voice said as I turned around facing Lucius. "My father needs something from the Ministry, Malfoy."I explained, looking outside. "And what is that, Riddle?"He asked curious, his eyes on my back. "I need you to get someone in the Department of Mysteries and retrieve a prophecy."I answered turning around to face him. "And how am I supposed to do that?"He asked with a cocked eyebrow. "The Imperius Curse of course. Find someone fit for that role and make him get it for you."I said causing him to bow his head. "I shall do this."He murmured wanting to leave the room already to only get stopped when I called for him. "Malfoy, I expect it in two days."

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