The Afterlife

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I thought when I would die, there would be nothing but pure darkness to make me reflect on all the sins I have made and all the sorrows and grief I had brought to people. But now as I opened my eyes, white surrounded me and it felt bright, almost blinding me but it did not.
My eyes scanned my surroundings taking it all in. I felt at peace here. Why was that?
"My little fighter."A warm voice spoke as I turned around to find a blond woman standing there, her arms held open for me as I stared for only a mere minutes before realization hit me and I flew in her arms. I never fully cried. But now I cried. Sobs left my lips as my whole body trembled in her arms as she stroked my hair slowly, love just radiating off everything she did. "You did good, my beautiful girl."She whispered, placing a kiss in my hair. "I was bad, mom. I did awful things."I whispered back as she shushed me, shaking her head. "You got taught to do awful things. But you ended up teaching yourself to do the right things. In the end, you did the best thing you could have done. You are so brave, my angel."She explained, cupping my cheek in her hand as her thumb wiped away a tear that rolled down. "Do you even know what kind of sacrifice you have made?"She asked softly. "You heard about Lily's sacrifice. One made out of love, casting the most powerful protection spell that exists with it. You, my angel, did the same but not only for one person. You protected everyone good. You have no idea how powerful that is."She whispered, a bright smile on her lips. "I had to do it because Se..."I started, to only choke on my words when his name came to my mind. How heartbroken he must be now and I did that to him. I caused him pain...
"Don't feel guilty. He loves you and he realizes that there was no other way to go from where you stood. You only had two options, to go back or to go forward."She said, taking my hand in hers as she started leading me around, giving me the time to finally take in my surroundings. Why was I in the Ministry?

"It's funny how this place is of such importance to the both of us."Mom spoke as she stopped by the fountain, sitting down on the edge. "Here, you chose to do the right thing and here I realized I was doing the wrong thing."She explained, patting the place next to her as I sat down. "How did it happen?"I asked in a whisper. I really needed to know it yet I was afraid to really know it. Was that strange? I had a lot of answers that Arthur had given me but now here I was, sitting next to my mother who could answer all these questions about herself. "We had a fight one night. I told your Father I could no longer do it, that I could no longer accept what he stood for. He was not happy about it. We got in a huge fight and you started crying in the next room and I wanted to go to you and make sure you were okay but when I turned my back, he had taken out his wand and muttered that damned curse."She answered, a single tear rolled down. "You know I may have only hold you twice before they took me from you and I've seen all the things he had done to you. I've seen your suffering, your pain and I could do nothing about it. I'm so sorry, my little angel. I gave you a life, you didn't deserve."She whispered, her voice breaking at the end of her sentence as I took her hands in mine, giving them a soft squeeze. "My life didn't start great but in the end I was happy with it. I promise you, I was truely happy in my last hours. I don't feel anger because of the life I got handed. I have accepted it and worked with what had to make it better. So don't, please, don't blame yourself for it, mom. I was happy and I was loved."I said, tears filling my eyes now as I took back to the last couple of months. I thought about the conversations I had with Minerva as she shared her favorite biscuits with me, I thought about the late night conversations I had with Severus while I was wrapped in his arms. I thought about everyone who made me feel as I was not just someone evil. I thought about everyone who made me feel as if I was good. 

And bloody hell, I was good.

"You are here because you deserve answers, my angel. After all these answers you'll have a choice."

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