As If Tomorrow Will Never Come

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The time was getting closer and closer. You could feel it in the air, everyone was tensed. How would this go? Only a few people knew of what was going to happen. Only a few knew of the sacrifice I was going to bring. They wanted to talk about it but I always stopped them before they could. I didn't want to live my last weeks, thinking about what was going to happen. I wanted to live them as if that day would never come. And my happiness and joy would never fade away.
Some said I was in denial. Others thought I was just bloody brave. And I thought I was doing my part of the war. I had sins to make up for and maybe by doing this, I could fix some of them.
Not all. But at least a few.

"How is your hand, sir?"I asked as I sat down in front of Albus Dumbledore. "It's completely healed, thanks to you, my dear."He answered as I could hear the smile in his voice as I simply nodded my head. My fingers tapped against the desk. "I need to ask you if you are still willing to go on with this plan."He stated after a few minutes of silince. "It has to happen, sir."I simply said. "I do think there are other ways."He started as Ishook my head harshly. "There are none, sir. None."I hissed. "I tried, I tried to find them all but all I could do was blind myself to avoid more destruction."I added a little bit softer. "I'm destined to die."I whispered to feel how his hand covered mine. "You should be able to live finally."He said back, squeezing it. "I have lived. These past months have been the best I have ever had and I'm grateful for that. I  now also realize why I'm doing this. I'm doing this to stop this war. I'm doing this to make sure the people I met can live a life that is worth living for."I explained, hearing how a sigh left his lips. "How is Severus coping with it?"He asked carefully. No one mentioned that they noticed the change in the relationship between Severus and I, wanting to give us some privacy while figuring it all out which both of us were thankful for. "He is trying to come to terms with it."I answered softly. "But he'll understand it eventually."


"How was your chat with Albus?"Severus asked when I entered his chambers with Whisk who immediately claimed the spot in front of the fireplace. "It was okay."I answered, waiting for him as he soon closed the distance between us, his arms wrapped around me to hold me tight against him. "I've missed you, my darling."He whispered, placing a kiss in my hair. "I've only been away for 30 minutes, Sev."I said back with a chuckle. "And it were the longest 30 minutes of my life."He stated before connecting our lips for a kiss. "Well, I've missed you to, my love."I whispered back against his lips. "Minerva has asked if you wanted to join her for tea this afternoon."He said softly when he pulled back. "Are you going to come with me?"I asked back curious. "Only if you want me to."He answered, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I actually would love if you joined us this afternoon."I said back, leaning up to peck his lips again. "Well, than we should be making our way over there, I suggest."He said, hooking his arm with mine so he could lead the way to Minerva's office as we left Whisk in his chambers to have a peaceful slumber for a moment. "Don't you think it's strange, Severus?"I asked in a whisper, not wanting anyone else to hear our conversation as he hummed as a sign for me to continue. "A couple of months ago we barely spoke to each other. Now, it seems as if I'm lost without you."I stated, hearing how he chuckled at that. "I've been lost my entire life, my darling. 'Till the moment I met you."He said back as I could feel how a blush spred on my cheeks at that statement. "I believe we were supposed to find each other."I said softly. "Even it is for this short amount of time."I muttered quietly, hoping he may have not heard this but he did. "Don't think about that."He whispered, squeezing my arm. "Let's enjoy the time we have left."He added as I nodded my head. "As if tomorrow will never come."I said softly, turning my head in his direction as he stopped us for a moment. "You know, you have my heart, Elaysa."He whispered, cupping my cheek in his hand. "You made my heart beat again."He added softly. "Are you going soft on me, Sev?"I asked amused, not realizing that a single tear has left my eye till he wiped it away. "I've always been soft for you, my darling."He stated, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my lips, not caring that there were students walking down the corridors. That some of them dropped their books in disbelief when their potions master kissed Professor McGonagall's goddaughter. That some of them punched their friends to make sure they would witness what they were witnessing. And some who bumped against each other as they were no longer paying attention to their surroundings. "I can't see but even I know we have an audience."I whispered amused. "Let them stare."He whispered back, kissing me again as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll take every opportunity to show how much I love you, my darling."

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