Rules and Honesty

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Rule 1, never question his commands.

Rule 2, never leave the mansion without permission.

Rule 3, if he calls, meet him immediately.

Rule 4, don't tell anyone about the meetings.

Rule 5, don't doubt his power.

Rule 6, never ever ask questions about Mother.

Those were the 6 simple rules I had to follow each day, from morning till night and now, for the first time in 30 years it became hard to hold myself to them. Ever since I broke rule number 2, I was more willingly to break the others, almost like it didn't scare me anymore what wraith would wait for me once Father would hear about it. All due to my curiousity. If only I did not follow Nagini, I wouldn't have said the ginger-haired man, called Arthur Weasley and I wouldn't have found out more about my mother, who I was also not allowed to mention even when I started questioning the reason she died. Was it really while giving birth? 

"Miss Riddle."Wormtail's voice sounded from the other side of the door before he knocked three times on the door. "What is it, Wormtail?"I asked slightly irritated, opening the door as a black eyebrow shot up as a sign for him to start talking before I would lose my patience with him. "The plans will be executed tonight."He explained, eyes not daring to look at me as I slowly nodded my head at that, pleased that something was still going according to plans. "I'll leave you then, Miss."He muttered, ready to leave my presence to only get stopped as my hand grabbed his shoulder causing him to freeze on his spot, terrified of what would come next as this was an action I would never do. "I need to ask you something, Wormtail."I spoke, my eyes darting through the corridor, making sure we were alone before gesturing at him to enter my quarters which he did rather nervously. "This conversation will not leave this room, do you hear me?"I asked, waving my wand to make a fire appear in the fireplace, burning brightly. "Or you'll lose your other hand."I added as a warning, seeing how he quickly nod his head at that. Not doubting my words a single bit. "My mother, how was she like?"I asked softly, sitting down as surprise appeared on his face, absolutely not expecting this question but neither did he knew how to answer this question that was never supposed to be discussed. "Miss, I'm not allowed to..." "I don't care about it, Wormtail. I'm asking a question and whenever I ask something you're supposed to answer, aren't you?"I asked, slightly pissed that he wouldn't answer straight away. "She was...She was a very kind woman."Wormtail spoke finally, thinking back about her clearly. "No one understood what she saw in your father."He added unsure, his eyes going to the door. "She worked for the Ministry, is that correct?"I asked, wanting to make sure every bit of information was correct that I had as he nodded his head as an answer. "She met your father during their schoolyears. They were a couple no one understood. She always managed to see the good in others, leading everything perfectly when your father would not be present."He explained, eyes going down, realizing what part was next. "Then she died giving birth to you."He added rather quickly causing my eyes to narrow as I stood up slowly walking towards him with precise steps, noticing him shrink slightly. "Some say she got killed."I said sternly, stopping behind him. "Do you know what happens with people who lie to me, Peter?"I asked, seeing a shiver run down his body at the use of his real name as he shook his head. "They get tortured till they turn insane."I whispered softly. "Till their screams fill the room, bouncing of the walls as the pain goes through their bodies, making them fall down to the floor by my feet."I hissed, spatting the last parts of my sentence. "She got killed!"He quickly said in a panic, his head held down. "We're not supposed to mention it, Miss."He whispered softly, scared of the wand that was in my hand, scared of the curse it knew all too well as a smirk formed on my lips before the door flew open. "I'll appreciate the honesty, Pettigrew. Now get out and forget this conversation."

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