Broken Things will be Replaced

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A groan escaped my lips as I rubbed my temples. "Rough night?"A voice asked as I turned around in my seat, finding none other than Severus Snape standing in the doorway of my quarters looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "What do you expect?"I asked in a mutter, closing the book I was scanning through as I completely turned around so I was decently facing him. "Perhaps you should think about taking a day off."He suggested, walking inside the room as I flicked my wand, making the door close behind him. "Don't be ridiculous."I murmured. "I still have a lot to see to."I added, gesturing at my desk were pieces of parchment were spred. "Tell me, what is keeping you busy today?"He asked curious, picking up a piece of parchment. "I see..."He muttered, reading it slowly as I leant back in my chair, studying his expression. "You think we could get them on our side?"I asked  carefully as he looked up from the parchment. "I believe you could do anything if you strongely want to."He answered plainly. 

"So there is no need to hide certain information."He added, picking a piece of parchment from under a box that I had quickly put there in the hope he had not noticed it. "Maybe you have no bussiness with that."I hissed, pulling it from his hands. "Why so tense? Is it a love peom?"He asked with a smirk as I glared at the man. "Have you lost your mind, Snape?"I asked in a hiss. "There is no such thing as love."I added, standing up from my seat as I walked towards the fireplace, throwing the piece of parchment in it. "If you say so."He said slowly, sitting down on the couch in front of the fireplace as I turned around to face him yet again. His jet black hair hung slightly in front of his dark brown almost black eyes as his expression still held no emotions but his eyes told a different story. His eyes were the door to his soul if you could put it like that. "Have you known love perhaps?"I asked curious, sitting down next to him on the couch. "Not your bussiness."He threw back, clearly not wanting to talk about it but he shouldn't have poked my curiousity then. "Miss."A voice squeaked, pulling my gaze away from Severus as I looked up to find Wormtail standing in the doorway. "What is it, Wormtail?"I asked irritated for the interuption. "Your father wishes to see you, Miss Riddle."


"My little snake..."Father spoke, his eyes focused on me as I entered the room, my chin held up not showing any emotion as I built my walls quickly that would keep him from entering my mind and see what he should not know. "Father."I said with a soft bow just as the door flew shut. "Someone told me you've been asking questions."He said slowly, raising from his seat, his bare feet touching the cold floor as he came closer towards me, his wand in his hand. "I don't know what you mean, Father."I said back. "You know what I mean, my little snake."He hissed, stopping behind me. "You've disobeyed me multiple times now and I always let it go but now you've been asking about the one thing you should never ask about."He continued. "I have the right to ask about her."I said back, knowing that no matter what I would say, the consequences would still be same, maybe slightly less but I didn't care about that in the moment. "You have the right to keep your mouth shut whenever I ask you to."He spatted angry before the door opened. "You asked for me, My Lord."Bellatrix sproke with a smile as she waltzed in the room all mighty and desperate for my Father's attention. "She needs to be punished. I do not have time for it."Father spoke before walking out of the room, leaving me alone with Bellatrix as a smirk formed on her lips as she watched me. "Little Daddy's girl didn't listen?"She asked, turning her wand around in her hand. "Little Desperate Whore didn't get in his bed?"I asked back, with a cocked eyebrow causing pain to shoot through my body. "Let me tell you this."She hissed, stooping down next to me. "Your Father will give in and then there is no need for you anymore. You'll become a broken toy that has been replaced. And you know what happens to broken things? You throw them away."

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