To Choose The Light

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A/N: This is just a little fill in chapter till the big moment arrives. It has been a while since I updated this story/ since I wrote a whole chapter again. So sorry if it is different than the rest of the chapters. But I hope you will still enjoy this. I am ready to finally finish this story. So thank you for the love I received on this story giving me the strength to finally pick it back up. 

Lots of Love!


It sounded easier when she explained it than when I had to do it. It seemed like such an easy choice, right? I got to choose to stay with him, to go back to him and give our story a worthy end. Yet, I had doubts. Because back there, my past was still with me. Perhaps I would have to face my past and accept my punishment for what I have done. I was not good and I could only partly blame it on him. I could not push all the blame on him. Because I still had free will and even though I only used it too late, I could have used it earlier. But fear... Fear was a big factor of why I had not done that. Why I did not choose to use that will that every person is supposed to have. Maybe I was just so damn sure, I did not possess it. I wasn't supposed to have it. Everything was about him. What he wanted, what he needed. Everything was about what I could give him, what I could be for him. Ignoring all the possible trauma it could bring with it. Because I, I was never meant to be more than just a tool for him to wield. I was never truly his daughter. By blood, yes. But by heart...Not. I mean he does not love anyone, his heart was poisoned from the moment he killed my mother. From the moment he used to killing curse against the one person who loved him so deeply. He killed love that day.

"It feels like you're not sure what to do, my angel."Mother spoke, her hand resting on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. A sign that she was here with me, every step of the way. That she would accept whatever decision I would made, something I had never had before. "What if I go back and everything has changed?"I asked softly, staring at the light that seemed so welcoming yet also so threatening. "You never know what will come and what will happen. That is the beautiful thing about life because you get to choose which path to wander and which paths to ignore. No matter what you do and will do. I know you will make the right choice even when it doesn't feel like it."She explained, carefully turning me around to face her. "But I know that you will never be alone during it. I am with you in here."She added, her index finger tapping my chest. "And you have others who will stand by your side if you decide to go back. You will never be alone again."She whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You know my choice already, don't you?"I asked in a whisper, meeting her eyes as a sad smile formed on her lips. "I do and even if it saddens me that our time together has come to an end already, I know one day we will meet again till than find me in the light."She explained, wrapping her arms around me for a motherly embrace which I accepted, enjoying the warmth she was giving me before the light I had eyed before became brighter and harsher and suddenly surrounded us. Suddenly it was all around us. 

Suddenly it was all around me. 

Only me. 

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