A Prophecy to Retrieve

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"Tell me exact what went wrong, Malfoy."I ordered, staring at the blond-haired man whose head was bent down only looking up when I ordered him to. "I put Sturgis Podmore under the Imperius Curse to retrieve the prophecy but he did not manage to get inside the Department of Mysteries."He explained to me. "And how did that happen?"I asked. "He got arrested by Eric Munch, a Ministry watchwizard."He explained to me. "Find someone who works for the Ministry to do the job."I ordered causing him to leave as a sigh left my lips once I was alone again. Retrieving that bloody prophecy was harder than I expected. I had other things to plan also. For example breaking some of my father's most loyal servants out of Azkaban.

"Miss Riddle, my lord Voldemort wishes to speak to you."Wormtail spoke pulling me out of my thoughts as I nodded my head at that, waving him off before making my way towards the quarters where my father was staying. "How is it going, my little snake?"He asked when I entered the room. "I have Lucius Malfoy taking care of it, father."I answered with a soft bow of my head. "He's going to make someone of the Ministry itself to retrieve the prophecy for us."I added. "Good."He said shortly. "If this attempt fails I want you to come and report it to me."He added before dismissing me as I left the room again, going straight to my quarters to look over the plans I was making for the breakout from Azkaban. To get the Dementors at our side would be a good thing but that was something father would be better in than I. Most didn't know what to think of me. Father had most of the authority and I was the one making the plans.

"Second attempt and you still failed to succeed, Malfoy?"I asked slightly annoyed pinching the bridge of my nose. "Defensive spells around it where triggered when he tried to grab it and left him injured."Lucius explained to me, more confident as this seemed to be indeed something he could have not predicted. "Is he taken care of?"I asked facing him. "He suffered spell damage which affected his mind."He explained as I shook my head at that. "I want him dead."I said plainly. "He could always get better and we do not want someone spilling the beans, do we, Malfoy?"I asked with raised eyebrow as he shook his head at that. "Then make sure he dies."I said stern watching him leave the room before I went to look for father having to report this second failed attempt to him. "He did not succeed, did he?"He asked once I closed the door. "There are defensive spells around it, father."I answered, folding my hands together as I stood in front of him. "I believe those are to keep unwanted from getting the orb but I believe that if someone retrieved it who is a part of the prophecy we may succeed in getting it."I explained quickly as he looked at me rather surprised at that statement. "What makes you claim that, my little snake?"He asked causing me to sit down at the table. "A defensive spell should have a weak point in which the ones who casted the spell are able to get to the protected object. The Ministry itself cannot reach it as our last attempt has failed so it leads me to believe that the only one who can get it has to be someone being a part of the prophecy."I explained as he seemed convinced about that. "I believe I may be able to find a way to get it then."He murmured. "May I ask how, father?"I asked , a spark of curious in my voice which he ignored. "You shall see, little snake."He answered plainly dismissing me from the room which I left.

There was this obvious paranoia keeping him from sharing all his information with me, which infuriated me slightly as I helped him to get better after all. Bloody hell, I let him use my own body to help him get back to powers and this is how much he trusted me after that! A groan escaped my lips as I entered my quarters slamming the door shut behind me in anger. How could I help him when he did not tell me everything? What was this meant to mean: "I may be able to find a way to get in it then."? It made me believe that he already knew I was going to fail in retrieving that bloody prophecy for him!

Breathe...Steady breathing. In and out...

A soft sigh left my lips as I rubbed through my hair, staring at my reflection, a woman who I was trying to get used to seeing. My black hair reached just past my shoulders as I had cut it once I transformed back in my human form finding it to be a mess. My green eyes were the only thing that I did not have from my father, those I had from my mother even when I did not know her. She died giving birth to me...

I obviously missed her but this is how she would have wanted me to live alongside my father.

If I would have been able to just talk to her once and hear her voice. How would she have sounded?

Kind, sweet, caring perhaps?

It is a stupid thing to form such a thoughts in your head but it was sometimes the only thing keeping me up my feet...

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