The Search

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"I want you to kill every crawling creature you see. Even if it's not a snake, I want it dead."He hissed, slamming his hands on the table in front of him startling all the deatheaters gathered around it. "Are you..." "Don't question my commands, Malfoy!"He said before Lucius could finish his sentence. "She disobeyed my commands and she will pay for it with her life."Voldemort said coldly. "But my lord, she is your daughter."Wormtail said unsure as he stood in the corner of the room his head bent down when he felt the eyes of his lord on him. "It means nothing. If I have to, I'll kill her myself."He said back before his eyes scanned all the deatheaters. "Malfoy, I want you to search the Ministry. Bellatrix you will search everything around here. Search her chambers. Greyback, I want you to scan the Forbidden Forest. I wouldn't want her going with hanging hands to Dumbledore. And Severus you'll make sure she will not set a foot in Hogwarts without my knowing. She will be smart about it, so don't trust anybody."


"What is the matter?"Sirius Black asked as there was an emergency meeting with the order suddenly and really every member was packed in the living room of his parents home. "Did you miss it?"Nymphadora asked, her hair changing  to a grey colour. "She saved you."She added before looking at Albus Dumbledore who stood at the head of the table. "She will be in danger. He will not rest until she is found."Severus spoke, ignoring the questioning gaze of Sirius. "Elaysa Riddle saved you."Remus finally said, helping his friend out who just stared in disbelief at his best friend. Did he miss such a big thing? 

"The daughter of you know who?"He questioned, having to make sure he did not hear it wrong as Remus just nodded at that. "He has all the deatheaters looking for her."Severus continued. "Lucius is down in the Ministry while Fenrir makes sure she won't go to Hogwarts."He added as Albus Dumbledore nodded his head at that. "The chance is big she is still near the Ministry but I'm sure she will do everything to not be found."He said, looking at Severus who seemed to agree with that before his eyes went to Arthur Weasley who listened carefully to every word that was said. "We'll have to put out a bait."Albus muttered. "What do you mean?"Molly Weasley asked, noticing how Albus looked at her husband and not liking it a single bit. "She met him, Molly. Something Voldemort does not know yet."Albus explained as Arthur stood up at that. "I'll see if I can find her."He said with a court nod of his head. "Be careful, darling."Molly said, placing a kiss on his cheek. "She is not dangerous."

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