To Make a Potion

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"I see you're enjoying some fresh air."Minerva spoke, breaking the silince that surrounded me. "I needed some peace to think clearly."I explained, patting the spot in the grass next to me as a sign for her to sit down. "And I believe Whisk is quite enjoying to run around and splash in the water."I added with a chuckle just as he barked at that, a sign of agreement it seemed. "I guess that's just how dogs are."Minerva said skeptical, eyeing the dog that was playing in the Black Lake. "You don't seem quite fond of dogs, Minerva. Care to explain?"I asked curious as I leant back a bit. "I'm more a cat person."She said simply. "Well, you're not the only one who doesn't really like dogs."I muttered softly as her eyes went to me. "You're talking about Severus?"She asked curious. "Yeah, he is rather distant from Whisk."I explained as Whisk came towards us, laying down in between us to rest for a bit. "You seem to get quite along with him, don't you?"She asked as I just shrugged at that. Wasn't it normal that we got along? I mean, I knew him from before everything went to shit. He is like the one thing that didn't change... Well for a part. "I mean we tolerate each other, I guess."I said softly, not wanting to go too deep in it. Because partly I did not really know how to describe how my relationship with Severus was. Perhaps because I had no clue how relationships should be, I had no examples...

"To me it seems like you tolerate each other more than you think, my dear."She said back with a chuckle as I couldn't but to chuckle also at that. "You know, I don't really know how friendships work."I explained carefully. "I've never had a friend."I added, to feel how a hand rested on my leg. "Well, you have friends now."She said back as a smile formed on my lips at that. I have friends now... "Thank you, Minerva."I whispered, feeling how she wrapped an arm around me. "It's alright, dear."She whispered back, pulling me closer to her as I leant against her. "I never imagined I would end up here. The one place I thought I would never visit."I muttered. "Life can throw us on some unexpected paths. It's to us how we deal with those. We decide if we want to go back to the path we used to travel or if we wish to venture these new paths."She said wiseful. "I think I wish to venture."


"Have you collected everything?"I asked curious, sitting on one of the desks in Severus' classroom. "I have."He answered, studying all the ingredients that were gathered in front of him. He couldn't recognize which potion they were making, making him a lot more curious about it. "What potion are we making?"He asked as a smile formed on my lips. "One of my inventions."I answered with a shrug. "You created one?"He asked back slightly confused. He did not know I had a skill for potionmaking... "Yeah."I answered plainly. "Now you should crush the bezoar in a fine powder."I instructed him to hear how he started doing it right away. "Now add 5 measures of it to your cauldron."I said next, jumping off the desk. "Than 6 drops of rose oil and it should change your potion to a pink colour. Did it?"I asked, waiting for his reply. "It did."He answered shortly, studying the potion in the cauldron for a moment as I waved my wand, cleaning the mortar he just used for the bezoar. "Now crush the moonstone."I instructed him. "Add 2 measures of it to the potion and normally the potion will turn to a milky colour."I added next, waiting for him to do as I told him. "The colour changed."He quickly said to let me know it was all going how it was supposed to go. "How did you end up creating this potion?"He asked curious. "I don't know if you're familiar with the horcruxes my Father created?"I asked, tapping my wand against the cauldron. "Heat it on a medium temperature for 6 minutes and than stir 4 times clockwise."I instructed, waiting for him to tell me if he knew about it. "Albus may have mentioned it when I managed to contain the curse in his hand."He explained, doing as he was told. "My Father has created 7 horcruxes to store parts of his soul. So he could be immortal."I explained softly. "You should now add a the valerian root and 2 shredded mandrake leaves."I added when I could hear he was no longer stirring the potion. "I am one of them."I whispered, almost afraid to say it too loudly. I only told Dumbledore about this and no one else. "So I have my fair amount of contact with a Horcrux."I added with a chuckle to lighten the mood. "Did the potion turn green?"I asked. "it did."He answered. "Now add 2 drops of the unicorn blood and heat it immediately on a low temperature for 3 minutes. After it you need to stir it 5 times anti-clockwise and 6 times clockwise."I ordered, waiting for him to do so and maybe also for him to say anything about what I had just told him. "So, you're a Horcrux?"He asked carefully as I simply nodded my head. "How does it affect you?"He asked curious, stirring the potion. "Well, I'm at my strongest when I am with my Father and when people are too long with me, their mood will change drastically and well it brings out the worst of someone."I explained, tapping my fingers on the desk. "So I'm trying my best to not be too long with anyone. So I can spare them from that misery."I added. "You sacrifice your relationships for the sake of their emotions?"He asked curious, stirring one last time to only see how I picked up the dagger that I had told him to get. "I do."I muttered, holding my hand above the cauldron before making a deep cut across the palm of my hand. "Pull my hand back after 7 drops have fallen in it."I said quickly, making a fist as I waited for him to push my hand away which he did after a minute or two. "I'm sorry you had to go through this all."He said softly as I just shrugged my shoulders. "I have learned to live with it."I said back straight away. "The potion is ready."I muttered to hear how he moved the cauldron before his footsteps came towards me as he took my hand in his, turning my hand around so the palm was up. "You shouldn't have, Elaysa."He whispered, tapping his wand on my hand as I could feel a sensation on it. "Thank you, Severus."

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