Your Missing Puzzle Piece

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"Do you wish to talk about..." "No, sir."Severus quickly spoke before the headmaster could finish his sentence as the old wizard just raised an eyebrow at that, shaking his head lightly. "I'm not judging you, Severus."Albus spoke as he made his way back to his desk, sitting down behind it as he watched how the potions master started to pace around the room. "Yet I have a feeling you do."The black-haired wizard said back. "Nonsense!"Albus said with a wave of his hand. "I really just wanted to have a look at that night, not to see how you felt towards her. Your feelings are yours, Severus. I'm not one to judge when it comes to the strange nature of people's hearts."He explained. "I just want to remind you that there is not a lot of time left for you to discover these feelings and perhaps explain them to her."He added as Severus huffed at that, turning around on his heels to glare at the old wizard. "As if I do not realize that, Albus."He hissed through gritted teeth. "I'm bloody well aware of what will happen."He added softly. "Are you still okay with it all, Severus?"Albus asked curious. "I do not have a choice, sir."Severus answered straight away as he made his way towards the door, wanting this conversation to end. "I don't have a choice anymore these days."He muttered in a whisper as his hand held the doorknob. "But you have a choice in what you will do with what is going on inside of you, Severus."The headmaster said, leaning back in his chair. "Don't let it get away from you."


I walked down the corridors of Hogwarts with Whisk leading the way as I not really knew where we were really going but I trusted my little furry friend that sometimes barked at people we passed as a greeting. He was a great companion to have and I was really blessed with him. I never realized what kind of affect that a pet could have but know I do. A soft smile formed on my lips just thinking about how my days have been since Whisk came in it causing me to think about all the rest when my thoughts stopped by Severus, remembering the morning I woke up with him next to me. How I had never felt so safe before. Well, I never woke up with someone beside me. "Hello, my dear!"Minerva spoke when she passed me in the corridor, deciding to walk next to me for a moment as I greeted her with a smile. "How have you been?"She asked curious. "I'm alright, Minerva."I answered, sensing as if there was something else. Something else she wanted to hear from me. But what, I did not know. Well, not yet...

"And how is it going between you and Severus?"She asked and I couldn't help but to chuckle at that. "There it is what you really want to know."I said amused with a shake of my head. "Can you blame me for being curious? Severus is a friend."She explained before a huff left her lips. "Mister Potter and Mister Weasley, if I remember correctly the two of you are supposed to be in advanced potions with Professor Slughorn!"She said sternly as my head turned around at that. "I'm sorry, Professor."One of the boys spoke as I couldn't but to scan his thoughts trying to figure out of it was Potter that was spoke. It seemed as if he had some lessons in Occlumency but not enough to keep me out. "Why are the two of you not making your way to the potions classroom than?"Minerva asked as I chuckled at that. "I'm sure they were planning on leaving right now, Minerva."I said amused to hear noises of agreement from the two boys. "Yeah, we were just heading out, professor!"The other boy spoke before I could hear the footsteps hurrying down the corridor. "Those two are always up to something."Minerva muttered as she started walking again as I followed her with Whisk. "But you seem fond of them."I teased her. "Maybe a little."She admitted before turning her attention back completely on me. "Back to the topic we were on, my dear."She said softly. "I don't know what you want to hear from me."I said back with a shrug. "Just the honest truth. Is there something you feel for Severus that is not just friendship?"She asked, stopping for a moment when we left the castle as I inhaled the fresh air, a content smile forming on my lips. "I wish I could answer that, Minerva."I said carefully before stooping down a bit, a sign for Whisk to come closer to me. "Go ahead, I'll stay right here."I whispered, placing a kiss on his head as I gave him permission to go and around for a moment. He barked loudly at that before running off probably chasing something. "You do realize I've never felt something more for anyone. So, how do I find out if there is more?"I added, standing back up. "Come sit with me, dear."Minerva said as she took my hand in hers to lead me to a bench as we both sat down next to each other.

"I want to tell you a story."She said softly, a sigh leaving her lips as my curiousity was poked at that. "After I graduated here, I got offered a job at the Ministry of Magic which I gladly accepted but before I would start, I decided to spend one last summer home before I was supposed to leave it all behind to live in London. I imagined I would spend mornings in the garden reading a book as the wind blew around me, I thought I would take walks with my mother to the market and have friendly arguments with my father about just anything. Suprisingly, I spent most of my days that summer alone, discovering the town a bit more. That is when I met him, Dougal. He was the son of a local farmer and had no clue that there was magic. Well, he did believe there was magic but another kind. He called it magic how vegetables grew from just a little seed to a vegetable, he called it magic how the sun rose every morning again and got replaced by the moon every night. It was magic to him, how our lungs filled themselves with air and gave us energy. Life was magic to him. He was pure and intelligent, also quite handsome. You see, I planned to keep my distance from him but somehow our paths kept crossing each others and after a while there are no more excuses to be said that could keep you away from each other. So I let it unfold. I felt head-over-heels in love with him. We joked around, argued about the things of life and there was so much more. So much I never thought there was. When I was with him, everything was alright. It was if the puzzle of my life had found its last missing piece and completed itself. When I was with him my heart would skip several heartbeats and I would often stumble over my words which was just ridiculous. In the last week of summer Dougal and I walked through a field when he suddenly went down on one knee and asked for my hand and I...I accepted it. I was just so madly in love. That night when I came home, I planned to tell my parents about it but I couldn't and I laid wide awake in my bed, thinking about my future. How my future would be with him. I had to give up everything I lived for. If I married him, I would not be myself anymore. I mean I would have to lock up my wand and throw away all my ambitions that I worked for during my schoolyears. I saw how it affected my mother, to live that way. So I did the hardest thing I had ever done, I broke his heart without being able to give him a reason why and than I fled. He sent me letters, begging me to come back to him but I didn't reply, I never replied. Then during the First Wizarding War, he was murdered during a random anti-Muggle attack by some Death Eaters. They killed him and his wife and his children. He died never knowing why I left. He died due to the magic I did not tell him about when I had the chance. When he died, it felt like a piece of me died with him. And that piece has never come back to me."She said softly, finishing her story in a whisper. "So, my dear. If you find your missing puzzle piece, don't let it slip away."

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