Remus Lupin

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Remus was more than surprised when he found a single letter laying on his bed in the room he was staying at Grimmauld's. "Strange..."He muttered, whispering a quick spell to make sure it was safe to open and did not contain any dark magic before he studied the handwriting on the envelope. Was he supposed to recognize it? Well, he did not... He carefully opened it, taking out the piece of parchment as his eyes immediately went to the bottom, finding a name down there as his heart stopped beating for a moment. Elaysa... Was this the last letter? He knew what was going to happen back at Hogwarts but did it already happen? There haven't been a meeting with the Order yet. It couldn't have happened yet...Could it? 


Dear Remus,

I never got to say goodbye because a part of me wished that I would never have to say that word. That it would always be a "see you later" but never a goodbye without a next meeting. A part of me didn't want to accept it because finally, yes I finally had found some people who made life more than what it used to be for me. But finding those people also meant, I found a real reason to do it. If I could change the course in which this war is going than I would grab it with both of my hands. Just to make sure this world is going to be better for them. 

Maybe it will hurt that this in fact is a goodbye. It will break their hearts and crush their spirits but they'll get through it. I know it. Just promise me, you'll live your life, my friend. Because all your life, you believed you were not worth it. But you are. You are worth everything good that there is in this world. You're not evil, you're not a bad person. You just weren't lucky but it doesn't make you evil. You control that. I know for a fact, that you're not bad. That you are not a monster. Because, I've seen monsters and they are nothing like you. You're good. You have a pure heart and kindness. I am grateful that I had the honor of meeting you and calling you my friend even when it was just for a couple of months. 

I know you once asked me if I knew love. I had just laughed at that and called it stupid. But the truth is, I have found love in these last months. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I felt happy and safe in his arms. It felt as if the world would never be able to bring me down ever again. Can I tell you a secret? I think love is closer than we realize. You just have to look around you and you'll see it. When you do, grab it and never ever let it go. Love is amazing. So if you find it, promise me, to hold tightly onto it and cherish it. 

Be safe, my friend, and remember you are not a monster and you'll never be one.


Elaysa Riddle


"Moony! Moons!"Sirius Black yelled as he threw open the door of Remus' bedroom to only feel worry fill his body when he noticed the tears streaming down his best friend's face. "Remus, are you alright?"He asked softly, sitting down next to him, an hand on his leg as a sob escaped Remus' lips. "I'm alright, I'm sorry."He muttered, waving his hand as a sign that he should just ignore it but this caused Sirius to finally notice the letter in his hands. "You got one to?"He asked surprised, curiousity filling his body as Remus looked up at that. "You got one also?"Remus asked as Sirius just nodded at that. "That's why I came here."He explained with a smile. "She...She kinda helped me out, you see."He added, scratching the back of his head as Remus frowned at that. "They're reviewing my case."He explained, slightly excited. "They are?!"Remus asked, turning around to face his best friend decently now. "Yeah, they are. They told me not to get my hopes up yet but it's looking good."He answered. "That's amazing, Pads."Remus said with a smile, meeting Sirius' eyes, noticing the twinkle in them that he had not seen for so long. "So, what was yours? I mean, you looked a bit emotional."Sirius said unsure, gesturing with his head towards the letter that he still held in his hands as he looked down for a moment before looking back up. "It's a goodbye."He muttered, biting his lip. "And she wishes me the best and hopes I find what I look for."He added with a shrug as Sirius chuckled at that, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer. "You're gonna find everything you are looking for, Moons! I can maybe start looking along with you in a couple of months! I mean when this all is over, we can finally see the world like we told we would."Sirius stated as Remus smiled at that. "You still want to do that?"He asked curious. "Of course, Moony!"He exclaimed, ruffling his hair. "We're gonna see the world together and grow old. I can nag to you about the grey hairs I'll be getting and than you will tell me that I still look handsome. And than I will tell you that that is bullshit because compared to you I will look like shit!"He added causing Remus to laugh, shaking his head. "Impossible, you're the pretty one of us two."He threw back, noticing the blush that appeared on Sirius' cheeks. "You're just trying to stroke my ego, Moony."He muttered with a shake of his head, averting his eyes. "I am not. I always found that even now."Remus said softly, resting a hand on Sirius' leg whose eyes immediately went back to his best friend, a frown on his face. "Are you messing with me?"Sirius asked unsure as he shook his head. "I would never, Pads."He reassured, his hand finding Sirius' cheek, cupping it. "I would never lie to you."He mutttered, finding emotions in Sirius' eyes that he had never noticed before. Were they always there and was he just blind? "Don't hate me for this."Sirius muttered, confusing Remus slightly till he noticed how Sirius started closing the distance between them, his lips only inches away from his. Was this what he was looking for this whole time? 

"Promise me to hold tightly onto it and cherish it."

So he did that as he closed the gap between their lips, kissing his best friend and as their lips touched he suddenly realized what James meant when he said that the whole world had stopped moving when he had kissed Lily as if they were the only ones left because that was exactly how he felt in that moment. As if nothing else mattered but this. The feeling of Sirius close to him, his lips onto his. "I think I've loved you since our fifth year, Remus."Sirius whispered when he pulled back from the kiss. "And you only did something about it now?"Remus asked with a chuckle, shaking his head. "I never realized that perhaps you...I mean...You never really...I... You know I'll make it up to you."Sirius said, stumbling over his words but before Remus could ask how, their lips met again. "You know I love you to, Sirius."

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