Pick your Side

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Before they even knew they got seperated, deatheaters holding each a teenager that had come with Harry to the Ministry. "Did you actually believe or were you truely naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?"Lucius asked, closing the distance between him and Harry as I just stood in the darkness watching the scene unfold, trying to predict all the scenarios that could happen. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die."Lucius finished holding his hand out for the prophecy as Harry looked around at his friends. "Don't give it to him, Harry!"The boy that Bellatrix held yelled to only see how Harry handed the prophecy to Lucius, making this a succesfull day as a sigh left my lips. Father would be proud of we came back with it and now we were going. But before we could get away with it, Sirius Black suddenly appeared. "Get away from my godson."He hissed, hitting Lucius in the face as I saw the scenario unfold in front of me, how the prophecy broke and became absolutely nothing before more Aurors came, chasing the deatheaters away from the children. 

This was all going wrong, everything was going wrong and Father would be so furious. "Stupefy!"I yelled, throwing an auror back as the spell hit him straight against the chest as I came out of the shadows, noticing how Aurors led the children away behind a rock, keeping them safe from the spells that got thrown around. "Elaysa."A voice whispered as I turned around, trying to find from where this unknown yet familiar voice came. "Don't make the wrong mistake, my daughter."It whispered, almost embracing me in a warmth that felt safe. "Pick your side."The voice added before it dissapeared just as it came, leaving me alone with the thoughts filling my head, wondering what this meant, what meaning this all had and if I was really doing the right thing. "Avada Keda..." "Stupefy!"I yelled before the curse could be completed as Bellatrix flew back through the air. In that moment I made a choice, I stood on a side where I would be stuck on for the rest of my probably short life because he was going to kill me because of what I did. "You made a mistake, little snake."His voice whispered before a piercing yet familiar pain shot through my body as I felt to my knees, holding in the screams that wanted to escape my lips. Yet I emptied my mind, gave the pain a place before standing back up, steady on my feet. "Flipendo!"The deatheater flew back that was causing the pain in surprise as soon the pain stopped. "Your Father will hear about this, Elaysa."Lucius warned, holding his wand tight in his hand, not knowing how to handle this sudden change of events. "I'll be waiting for him, Malfoy."

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