Chapter 1: "I don't really like romcoms."

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Author's POV:
Sitting in the cozy cafe, reading 'Me before you' for, probably, the fifteenth time, Jieun enjoyed a freshly baked banana muffin. While reading the emotional ending, barely holding back tears, she looked up to find a man, reading the same book as her. He didn't look as happy with the book, though. Chuckling at his clearly unappeased expression, she made eye contact. Soon after, the charming stranger broke into a smile seeing that she was reading the same book as him. He asked if he could join her table. She readily agreed.

Jieun's POV:
He was so attractive. So attractive that I had to put my book aside to take in his handsome features. He sat in front of me and said, "I haven't seen you here before, but the woman behind the counter seems to know you." I smiled. "Oh, she's my best friend," I said, looking at her as she wiggled her eyebrows seeing me talking to the man. I rolled my eyes, focusing back to him. God, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He looked at me and said, "Well, I really like this place. They have amazing blueberry and cream cheese muffins!" his eyes sparkling as he spoke about the delicacy. I was flattered, considering it was my recipe and my cafe. "Well, yeah, I should know, since I own the place," I said, chuckling at his shocked expression. "You're fun," he said, not believing me. "It really is my cafe!" I said as if i was taking offence to the fact that he couldn't believe me. He looked at my best friend and she said, "Well, yeah. She's my boss." I rolled my eyes at her and we both broke into a huge smile. "That's actually super impressive. I really do love your products," he said, overflowing with genuineness. I smiled and thanked him.

We shared a brief eye contact, and I said, "You didn't look too happy with the book." He broke his stare and said, "What? Oh, this book... hehe, actually, I don't really like romcoms," he was shyly scratching the back of his neck. "Have you finished it?" I asked, he replied shaking his head a no. "It's a wonderful book. It's not the cliched norm of 'boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after', if that's the thing you find repulsive about romcoms." He chuckled at my answer and said, "Yes, that's... exactly what I find repulsive about romcoms."

After a short pause, he said, "I'm Namjoon, hi!" "Jieun," I said, extending my hand for him to shake it. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Namjoon," I replied with a smile.

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