Chapter 49: "I can't lose you."

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~1 week later~

Jieun's POV:
Jimin rejected all my calls over the past week. Didn't reply to any of my messages. Taehyung won't let me talk to him either. Said he just needs time.

Okay. I can respect that.

I was at the clinic, waiting for my next session with Yoongi. He arrived on time. The session proceeded just the way it previously used to. No breakthroughs, no new information. As he was being his usual self, I could feel a volcano in me about to erupt. I knew that would be out of line with my client, but with everything going on with Jimin, I was slowly losing the patience. And finally after 30 minutes of nothingness, something in me just flipped.

"That's it," I said. "What's it? Are you finally giving up on me?" he asked, a smug grin on his face. "Mr. Yoongi, I cannot give up on you, because you're a client that very clearly needs all the help he can get. This is my job, this means something to me, so I have not and will not give up on you. But this has found its way into my personal life, almost ruining my most treasured relationships and I'm starting to question if it's worth it. I know I shouldn't, but if you still don't see that I want to help you, I cant help but see that as a failure on my part," I said.

A voice in my head told me to stop right here. I needed to stop before I regretted it.

"I don't know what it takes for you to trust me, and to believe that I want only and only your betterment. I have people to whom I mean the world and who mean the world to me. And I've hurt them, thinking about your case and how I can find the tinniest bit of a breakthrough. I implore you, let yourself be treated. I don't care if it's with me or not, but you deserve your share of happiness and peace," I said.

Stop, Jieun. Stop before it's too much. The voice of reason begged.

"You have this mask on of ignorance and arrogance, but your eyes really, really give you away. I can see you're hurting. It doesn't need to keep being thay way," I finished, breathing heavily after all of that.

His expression turned soft. He didn't say a thing. I've ruined this.

"I will wait for you next week for our session, and if you show up, I expect at least 10% more transparency. If you don't show up, I will be suspending our sessions, and don't worry, I won't charge a cancellation fee. But I'm sorry, my relationships mean too much to me. Your case has truly taken too much out of my time and my soul, but I cannot continue this at the cost of them. Let's dismiss our session for today, the call is yours for the future of our sessions. I hold absolutely no grudge against you, and I hope I have not offended you with my outbreak," I said.

I exited my office, Yoongi soon followed. Hoseok looked curios, and a little scared about the fact that we ended early.

As I got into my car, I let out a lot of tears. I rested my head on the steering wheel and cursed myself for behaving that way. What I did was not right at all. He's a client! I have to control my emotions. Nothing, absolutely nothing can let my personal life affect my professional life.

I thought of Professor Park and how he would be disappointed in the way I've handled both Jimin's and Yoongi's situation. It was immature and unprofessional on my part. I was so insensitive with Jimin.

Wiping away my tears, I was determined to make things right, at least in one way.

I drove straight to Taehyung's house. I rang the bell and Jimin opened. He looked at me and said, "What are you-" I interrupted him, "Park Jimin. Let's fix this. I can't lose you."

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