Chapter 6: "The testament to being rich."

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Namjoon's POV:
That doesn't seem right. If she's the daughter of Jeon Jiwoon, she would be loaded! She could bathe in cash if she wants to! That makes no sense at all. She even said, "Who doesn't want the extra money," when we first met! Why would she want to own a tiny cafe when she could literally own malls? I searched the net and found that Jiwoon has two children, a boy and a girl. I didn't find much information about the children. Jesus, if she's the older sibling, that could mean she can take over the company! Holy shit! Did I just meet the possible future heir of a multi-billion dollar company?! Oh my god.

But, to my surprise, while rethinking the night with a stupid smile on my face, I actually forgot about the fact that she is who she is. She is one of the most intriguing people I have ever met, and I had a remarkable time tonight! The fact that she is filthy rich but chooses the life she has, only makes her more interesting to me. I knew I had to see her again. Ask her about it. I knew she won't tell me all of it, but I was curious.

Jieun's POV:
Why did he have to ask me that? The night was perfect until that moment. Now he would want to hang out with me because I'm rich. That's the problem. No one sees anything beyond the money. Yes, I belong to a rich household, but those are not MY accomplishments. They're my father's. As much as i respect him, I can't accept his money for absolutely nothing. And if he knew the relation I have with my father, he would walk away anyway. I knew he would ask me about it the next time we met. But i knew what to say.

~A few weeks later~

Jieun's POV:
We had kept in touch over text, these past few weeks, and I had enjoyed our conversation. I was glad he had the sense to not ask me about my family over text, but after I proposed our second date yesterday, I knew the conversation was approaching. He had agreed without a thought. We agreed to meet at the cafe again, as I would be the one driving this time. I was sceptical about him liking a trampoline park since he was a museum kind of guy. But I took my chances since the trampoline park was always a fun time for me. Again, it was just a second date, there was no right or wrong.

I drove to the cafe and found him already waiting. Glad he was in casuals and not formals, I greeted him and told him he looked very handsome. He blushed. He looked so good. After taking in his appearance, we drove off. After reaching, he excitedly clapped and said, "HOW DID YOU KNOW I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO A TRAMPOLINE PARK?!" I chuckled, and said, "Well, just a hunch." We had a complete blast at the park, and by the end, we were completely exhausted from all the jumping. We sat down at a nearby restaurant and the talk I feared the whole evening, had finally happened. "I think you know what I want to talk about," he said. I slightly nodded and said, "Ask whatever you want to. I can't promise complete transparency, but I'll be as honest as I can." "Of course, I don't expect you to tell me everything. But just... Why would you want to hide something like this?" he asked. "Well, would you want everyone to know you have a ton of money?" I replied. "Of course! God what i wouldn't do with that kind of money! Oof!" I giggled at his response. "Well it's no party, Namjoon." His gaze softened after hearing my words. After a brief pause, he said, "Why do you own a cafe?" I responded, "I was 18, when my father bought that property but I noticed he wasn't using it. I asked him if he could let me open a cafe there. He was reluctant, but i managed to convince him. He told me to keep the revenue that i earned from the place, since he didn't think it would be a lot. After around two years, me and my two best friends gathered some money, the money I earned from the cafe, and some money they seperately put in to help me out, and I bought the property from my father. So I became the sole owner. I hired Wheein, whom you met the other day, and Hyejin, she's another one of my best friends, since they both needed some extra seasonal part-time. We have tried to run the cafe as much as we can this past year, when we get time after our college. I actually have hired people to cook and manage the accounts when we aren't available. Since we have a break from college now, we can run it for the whole day. The workers will return soon though, since college will begin in some time... I don't want to live on my father's money. If I'm coddled and protected till i earn my own money, how would I successfully deal with the pressures of earning? How do I get myself to adjust to working hard and putting in the effort? Isn't it better to spend your own money instead of flaunting what you have not earned? Don't get me wrong, I respect my father for what he did; we don't come from old money, he started from nothing. His achievements are justified and valid. I don't have that. And I don't want my accomplishment to be the silly fact that I'm from a rich family."

He seemed to be shocked. He stayed silent for quite a lot of time. After an excruciating silence, he said, "Jieun, you might just be one of the most remarkable people i have ever met." I sighed in relief, astonished that he still had the same look in his eyes as the day we met. He still looked at me the same. He didn't have that feeling that he should feel inferior to me just because my father is rich. "On a much lighter note, you're richer than me. You're a successful music producer! You should know that the music you make has an impact on people. I look up to you, Namjoon," I said. He smiled at me and said, "I would not be like you if i came from a rich family." I slightly smiled and replied, "Well, aren't we all just ignorant towards the side-effects of money?" He chuckled. "Hey, don't get me wrong. I frickin love money, money's great. But it should be mine, you know? I should be earning it. Man, if I become rich on my own terms, I would probably, like, bathe in a gold tub or something!" I said, trying to lighten things up. "Oh, wouldn't that be the testament to being rich!" He responded, slightly laughing. "Nuh-uh-uh! Not being rich, SHOWING people I'm rich! Isn't that when we truly are rich?" I replied. We both laughed.

I paid the bill and we both sat in my car. I dropped him to his big apartment. We both got out of the car, to say our goodbyes. "Bye," he said. "Bye, Namjoon," I replied as I leaned in for a hug. As our bodies met, it felt so warm and safe. It felt like falling asleep. I started pulling away, but he seemed to hold on tighter, as he whispered in my ear, "I had a wonderful time tonight, Jieun." "Me too," I said. As we pulled away, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I saw his face flush, and i smiled at how cute he looked. He entered his apartment, and I sat in my car, just smiling at the feelings I was experiencing. All warm and fuzzy.

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